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  1. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition!!!

    hey i finally HIT the right one the legal forum. Go shit on yourself
  2. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  3. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition

    Thanks dude this is really important, the finer details obviously need to be made but this seems to be it so im promoting it.
  4. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition!!!

    well sorry dude but theres an opportunity it seems here to a lot of people im just trying to keep most people informed
  5. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  6. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  7. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition!!! click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  8. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition!!! click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  9. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition!!! click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  10. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition!!! click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  11. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  12. weedsofdestiny

    Vote on to end prohibition! click that link and check out what the rest of our aware community is voting up, there is a lot of good issues that were voting on but cannabis is the first no doubt, this is big time make sure you go there...
  13. weedsofdestiny

    100 grams of diesel widow bud shake = cornacopia of greatness

    if maryjane is legalized i swear ill send some of these babies out to some of the first responders ! for the later responders i will try and get as much food and butter made possible to supply the never ending stream of people if this does go thorugh hahaa
  14. weedsofdestiny

    Winter 08-09 indoor banaza! 10 strains OMG

    Haha thanks dalton.... thats you right? anyways I just took new pics and these buds are doing things I can't speak of in our native tounges..... This is my fav This big momma started off slow but is speeding up big time now and impressing me Veg closet...
  15. weedsofdestiny

    100 grams of diesel widow bud shake = cornacopia of greatness

    haha for sure but really i only ate 2 so far and haven't smoked in almost 2 days cuz im so blazed.... haha its fucking great:weed: Im gonna start handing these out to anyone who wants any just leave me a message and ill e-mail you one A.S.A.P.!
  16. weedsofdestiny

    100 grams of diesel widow bud shake = cornacopia of greatness

    Hey I simmered the butter for around 3 hours long, every hour or so I turn the heat up a bit extra and stir that the whole time until I turn it back down to norm simmer, but I guess even when its simmering I stir like every 15 mins or whenever theres an oily residue that you can see on top stir...
  17. weedsofdestiny

    100 grams of diesel widow bud shake = cornacopia of greatness

    Hey everyone Just posting in this part of the forum because I just finished cooking canna food all day and heres what I put into everything. 100 Grams of Diesel/widow bud shake from my last harvest. = 2 lbs of butter = 75 peices of Cannafood that has me High since 3:00 p.m. it is now...
  18. weedsofdestiny

    Winter 08-09 indoor banaza! 10 strains OMG

    Today is Jan 8th 2009 and here is a bunch more pictures, my silver pearls are getting extremely beautiful and smell just like fruity pebbles, and as far as I can remember thats exactly how this shit tastes when its done and cured right, which im going to be doing for a bout 4 weeks after the...
  19. weedsofdestiny

    The Church and Himalayian Gold PC GROW

    Hey dude, whats going on ? Deff looks like the planters got some stress they need bigger pots, 420 already said that though, however you wanted my journal link and here it is check that out because we started on...