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  1. NewGrowth

    I recieved a letter from Marc Emery's Wife Jodie Emery.

    If you're ever looking you can identify him easily; he is the guy with a 4ft bong that will talk your face off.
  2. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    Looks like stealth hydro is still successfully ripping people off. :lol: what they're selling on their website for $189 I could build for $30. Their lighting is 'dual spectrum' AKA a warm CFL and cool white CFL :lol:. You should be able to run both lights through bloom and veg. Take note of what...
  3. NewGrowth

    I recieved a letter from Marc Emery's Wife Jodie Emery.

    Marc is a whiner, I still like him. I like Tommy better though the "I Chong" was a good read.
  4. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Here is regulation for you :peace:
  5. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    I think organic hydroponics is rather silly but if you are tempted to go for it choose your medium well.. Hydroton is probably a poor medium choice for 'organic hydro', I would try CoCo coir or a peat based mix. You want a medium with good porosity and the ability to support a good population...
  6. NewGrowth

    Hydroponics Question and Answer NewGrowth Style

    I think seed companies are talking about the yield indoors with a well managed canopy, and yes this should be dry weight. The yields claimed are often 'master grower' status or someone who has grown cannabis long enough to understand how to properly prune and manage a canopy. Male plants are...
  7. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Both sides make mistakes government and private. Not sure that is the point to me however. What is Government's place in our lives? Shouldn't we allow the legal system to solve legitimate claims of property damage and health concerns due to corporate pollution? Corporations were once under...
  8. NewGrowth

    Operation Finally Legalize It!

    :lol::roll: sorry Bud our government does not work that way. When is the last time they de-regulated anything? I don't agree with incarcerating people, and I'm fine with a small tax on the final consumer, like liquor tax. Beyond that we should keep governments meddling fingers away from...
  9. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Due to the rampant corporate corruption of our Federal government the FDA does not protect you from dangerous food and drugs but rather sides with the corporations in the name of making a profit.* Your food is naturally full of chemical poisons and toxins you may not have known about. Have you...
  10. NewGrowth

    Operation Finally Legalize It!

    Last thing we need is heavy regulation of such a harmless substance. I'm for legalizing and taxation to some degree allowing the government to go much further would be a mistake
  11. NewGrowth

    Trading hash for bud from dispensary?

    It's sad I lived in Boulder when I was a kid and I remember it being a great place now it's filled with a bunch of rich hipster tools. Most of these guys want more regulation of MMJ and don't consider it extortion when license fees can exceed $10k.
  12. NewGrowth

    sealed room w/co2 - AC questions

    Yah just google sanyo HVAC for a list of their units. If you are only looking at running 1600w then I would just use CO2 tanks.
  13. NewGrowth

    sealed room w/co2 - AC questions

    All those units will exchange a small amount of air from inside. The only way to be completely sealed is to buy a split unit. Sanyo probably makes the cheapest ones you can install yourself with quick connects and pre-charged systems. How many lights are you running? Most window A/C's are more...
  14. NewGrowth

    My Girl friend needs HELP!!! Cops cam to our place last night!!!!!!

    Please send money via paypal :lol: in support of the lumberjack's crazy GF :lol: Do you also take payment in the form of pot or a new bong? Why do you let your GF spend all your money anyway?
  15. NewGrowth

    Trading hash for bud from dispensary?

    I think he said it's not full melt, places in Boulder are selling full melt for $75/g!
  16. NewGrowth

    Rollitup Mobile?

    I'm not getting an android we get a great deal through an ATT business account. Thanks for telling me about the increased functionality. I've only heard it from a million android owners when they see my phone . . . :lol: On another note I also think a mobile site would be easier to navigate but...
  17. NewGrowth

    Wisconsin Revolt

    I think that is about the fifth time you have 'put words in my mouth' or 'put words in my post' :lol: Nope never said any of that. What exactly is your position anyway? This post talks about how much of a failure our foreign policy is and I totally agree. Then you tell me how great the FDA is in...
  18. NewGrowth

    My highest reccomendation for this inexpensive unit,ZERO SMELL & cheap.

    Hey toolegit not sure panhead is still around. To answer your question, yes the ozone-1 can be mounted in a duct and it sounds like your set up will work great.
  19. NewGrowth

    How Many Christians On This Site?

    This thread is 2yrs old :roll:
  20. NewGrowth

    how to roll a joint

    I just smoked a joint :eyesmoke: