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  1. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    Thanks man you too. Mj is such an awesome plant. It will bounce back from anything. Sr verde.... Blue calyx huh? That's awesome. :) post up a pic
  2. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    fuckin a man. its beautiful. they are turning purple and starting to fucking stank!!!!
  3. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    My purple god bud is starting to do just that. TURN PURPLE !!!! It's so fucking awesome looking. I'll post up some pics when you can see it on camera. :)):) How are your coming alone sr verde
  4. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    26 man. They are gonna start swelling soon. :) I'm so excited
  5. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    This is one of my favorite grows. This supercloset works wonders guys. Im hoping for a few oz from each plant
  6. ValleGrown

    inneed of some intelligent growers advice HAVE NO CLUE WHATS GOING ON WITH MY PLANTS

    Dude even in your grow area. Verbal attacks aren't allowed on the site. Just be open to the fact that you could be wrong about your whole op could be affected by a spray of Lysol even if you take ur plants out. Don't be retarded. You know that neem is supposed to be sprayed on your plants. And...
  7. ValleGrown

    Mighty Midwest Growers Thread

    If i had a tumor.... I'd name it marla
  8. ValleGrown

    Before I blow anything up, how do I wire this!

    Red is power black is neutral
  9. ValleGrown

    inneed of some intelligent growers advice HAVE NO CLUE WHATS GOING ON WITH MY PLANTS

    That's why you clean dip them in the peroxide and then dip em in clean RO waterTo wash everything off
  10. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    Well the stretch has stopped i think. Here are the pics youve all been waiting for Beautiful Huh?
  11. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    Here come the pictures lights on in 9 minutes
  12. ValleGrown

    inneed of some intelligent growers advice HAVE NO CLUE WHATS GOING ON WITH MY PLANTS

    I bet it's a little lower than 5.8 man. When was the last time you calibrated your ph pen? (if It is one) Cuz it's either mg or k. Or both