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  1. 1lastGodsend

    1 n 1/2 week seedlings, help or advice please, first grow

    I understand your mistake since cfls seem a bit dim compared to regular incadescent bulbs. You tend to get real high wattage when in fact all you should be concerned about is the kelvin value & lumens. Lumens lumens lumens man. Don't forget that word. Every bulb has a whole lay out of what the...
  2. 1lastGodsend

    1 n 1/2 week seedlings, help or advice please, first grow

    You don't have enough light. You have over 20seedlings trying to use 1cfl for their photosynthesis process. You have to give enough light for all of them to thrive under. The more lughtthey have the more cells they can make within their stems & leaves. The fan is supposed to bruise the stem &...
  3. 1lastGodsend


    if your in dirt that you have prepared yourself give it about a full month & maybe 2weeks before you add any nutes. If your in miracle grow dirt I highly recommend that you use no nutes at all because miracle grow releases it's own nutes everytime you water the soil. So it's very easy to over...
  4. 1lastGodsend

    Germination, do I need light?

    Personally have germinated seeds two ways. 1) in a wet napkin wrapd in plastic wrap & wrapd in a towel then inplace it in a dark drawer. 2) i've also put them in rockwool cubes that were soaked for 24hour prior to placing my seeds. Under a floro compact light. The seeds in the dark drawer...
  5. 1lastGodsend

    My first grow - veg room ideas

    real nice vegg box. For a space that size the 4floro tubes are not going to be enough try & get some compact floros to hang on the sides. You wana give your plants as much light as possible. The clones are going to be small so the light has to reach the clones too. The box is great doh man. But...
  6. 1lastGodsend

    Newbies Beware. A must read.

    He's a retard. How do you not know ph balance? He's deff a youngster who's lost. He should start a thread on how to properly germinate a clone.
  7. 1lastGodsend

    Smoke me out!

    Smoke me out!
  8. 1lastGodsend

    Goverment Can tell if were Growing?

    I don't give a fuck!! I've got my medical card. I'm entitled to grow up to 6mature plants. I grow legit.
  9. 1lastGodsend

    need help i think i have nutrient burn or something.

    Dnt water for a couple of weeks. The heavy flush is enough water to last for a cool while man. Leave it alone. No nutes for about 2weeks more after the soil has dried up. The plant will be ok just make sure your lights are as close as possible.
  10. 1lastGodsend

    need help i think i have nutrient burn or something.

    Yeah you wana troubleshoot with the dirt. I water my plants about once every 2weeks. The dirt goes real dry & my plant does not droop my roots have gotten used to the dry dirt so my roots are pretty healthy. Be real easy on the water. You do not wana rott your roots.
  11. 1lastGodsend

    need help i think i have nutrient burn or something.

    If your in dirt you should not have used nutes for about a month from the time you planted. Avoid using any nutes for a while man. Dirt has plent of natural nutes in it for the plant to use. I would suggest just feeding water for a couple of weeks also don't water too much either. Once a week is...
  12. 1lastGodsend

    Lots of Vibratious Sound with my Plants

    You can vegg under a light cycle of 24/0 18/6 light/dark. & you begin the flowering stage under 12/12. As for the soil avoid using nutes for about a month. The dirt has plent of natural nutes in it so it's east to over fert. Also avoid overwatering. Once a week or let the dirt go dry. The dirt...
  13. 1lastGodsend

    need help i think i have nutrient burn or something.

    a little more info. Soil or hydro? How heavy are your nute feedings? How often do you feed? All that good stuff man so we can all help you out
  14. 1lastGodsend

    Enuf light?

    Not enough man. I use 6 300watt equivalent compact floros. They only use about 68actual watts. Mine are 2700k. You wana completely cover the plant in light. Try getting at least a real 75watt floro or a 100watter.
  15. 1lastGodsend

    Enuf light?

    Not enough man. I use 6 300watt equivalent compact floros. They only use about 68actual watts. Mine are 2700k. You wana completely cover the plant in light. Try getting at least a real 75watt floro or a 100watter.
  16. 1lastGodsend

    Newbie ????

    Stress out your female plants. Light disturbances cause the plant to be confused. If she gets stressed out enough she will turn hermie & withing in your buds you will find seeds. Just clone the girl. It's easier than seeds.
  17. 1lastGodsend


    purple is down right my all time favorite weed. The smell. The look of it. How it breaks up. The sweetish smoke it has. The afterburn smell. Mmm so good.
  18. 1lastGodsend

    EYE Clops Pictures.... 100x, 200x, 400x

    I got a funny feeling your not serious. :neutral:
  19. 1lastGodsend

    amount of watts

    I grow 1plant in a 2x4x7 grow tent & I have 6 300watt equivalent compact floros. 2700k. Get as many as you can. Or just read the lumens on the packaging. Get as many lens as you can. & make sure your using 6500k bulbs for vegg. & 2700k for flowering.
  20. 1lastGodsend

    EYE Clops Pictures.... 100x, 200x, 400x

    Wait where would I find one of those?