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  1. AllMeatNoPotato

    Server Problems

    thanks for the heads up roll
  2. AllMeatNoPotato

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    to incinuate that the universe is umlimited is that same as saying it has a limit. it is all hypothesis and will never be found out. dude, I said nothing of wisdom in my post, only of intelligence.
  3. AllMeatNoPotato

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    bling faith is what you speak of and it is just that blind. dude how the hell did you get a higher being "HANDS DOWN" from the ability to manipulate energy. there is no reasoning to your thought there. I can honestly say that after reading that jibberish, considering it angered me, we all have...
  4. AllMeatNoPotato

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    what kills me shunk is they use fear tactics to enlist. if you do not serve my god you will have everlasting damnation. it makes me sick to even think about it. blahhhhhhhhhhhh. the older I get the more I begin to realize how correct the buddhists got it. treat all life like it is life.
  5. AllMeatNoPotato

    New Contest Entry .. again

    nope it didn't work sry
  6. AllMeatNoPotato

    russ0r's First OP

    russ we are going to have to do something about your cardboard ballast. I hope you atleast have a smoke detector. the gorw is great I just read the whole thing an koodows to you. excellent posting. never caught what strain you are gorwing though. this would make a good thread to be stickied...
  7. AllMeatNoPotato

    400w hps question

    it depends on your ventilation
  8. AllMeatNoPotato

    can i get a second opinion?

    looks like the same plant to be exact. the first is a male no doubt. the second is still in the air from the pic.
  9. AllMeatNoPotato

    Opinions please!!!

    they say it stretches alot so you may want to put that into consideration. all in all they are looking pretty sexy.
  10. AllMeatNoPotato

    Crock Pot Cannabutter Recipe

    yeah wigmo I am thinking the same thing. there is something called alsolute saturation, I believe this is what it is called, where an object can only absorb so much. I bet if he cut back on the bud, he would get the same desired effect.
  11. AllMeatNoPotato

    New Contest Entry

    if you have a crusty bong that would be the shit!
  12. AllMeatNoPotato


    18/6 unless it is too cold then 24/0
  13. AllMeatNoPotato

    Crock Pot Cannabutter Recipe

    thas alot of bud pot to make butter. is this a recipe for an MM pateint with a high tolerence?
  14. AllMeatNoPotato

    Contest Entry - graf

    thats pretty good. put a poll and I will vote for it.
  15. AllMeatNoPotato

    Wilt - second experience

    embolism is what it sounds like
  16. AllMeatNoPotato

    growing w. lamps in student accomodation

    i know that your room already stinks of skunk, but it is nothing compared to a plant flowering.
  17. AllMeatNoPotato

    Intro/Broken Stem

    I am sorry to hear. I think I hear taps in the background.
  18. AllMeatNoPotato

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    whitey, I do not believe that all people are inherently evil. right and wrong are too ambigious of terms. ethically correct from a sociological perspective would be a more pinpoint def.
  19. AllMeatNoPotato

    Can You Adam And Eve It?

    interesting perspective battosai