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  1. AllMeatNoPotato

    wat kind of stoner r u

    ^^^to the third power on 4 days from now I will have gone 1 year without a cig and it is nice. I really do not like the smell of them. :D
  2. AllMeatNoPotato

    My Very First Grow

    possible trichome goodness
  3. AllMeatNoPotato

    help pls

    hell yeah lol
  4. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lights being turned off in middle of 12/12!

    why are people turning the switch off. if it is because of another light being on, just unplug the damn thing.
  5. AllMeatNoPotato

    My seedling are abnormal...i think

    is there anyway for you to introduce a light into your growing enviornment cuz your trees are gona stretch like a penis on prom night
  6. AllMeatNoPotato

    help pls

    yeah outdoor is nice. nothing like looking at a few pounds that really gets my motor going lol
  7. AllMeatNoPotato

    help pls

    the mate thing threw me off sry. I wish I could be in Aussie right now and their summer season.
  8. AllMeatNoPotato


    ahhh I love the lights expecially #5 they did it good on that one. let us know how it goes k?
  9. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lights being turned off in middle of 12/12!

    now you are going to want to keep those lights on for the 12 just so you can maximize their/ plants full potiental. see if there is another way to wire them up so that they are not getting turned off by accident.
  10. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lights being turned off in middle of 12/12!

    they will be fine. look at it like nature. solar eclipses have happened throughout exsistance and we still have plant life here.
  11. AllMeatNoPotato

    help pls

    kool have a good day in the UK
  12. AllMeatNoPotato

    Light question

    I wouldn't kick her out of my bad for fear of her beating the shit out of me
  13. AllMeatNoPotato


    shun what strain did you get?
  14. AllMeatNoPotato

    help pls

    get a water meter and she should be fine there will be some root damage after ten days of it but new roots will grow again. just let the soil dry and continue your watering schedule. and please educate your girlfriend on when to water
  15. AllMeatNoPotato

    and the sex of these plants is....

    they all look like the same plant but I am going to take a stab at it. glaring into my crystal ball. oh wait the smoke is clearing I can almost see. there we go. fem, fem, fem, and fem. although it is too early to determine sex the crytal ball has never lied before. although I do not believe I...
  16. AllMeatNoPotato

    Light question

    ^^^lol that is great she would probably beat the shit out of you though.
  17. AllMeatNoPotato

    I think I have HERMIES!!!

    dude I busted up when I read your topic. I swear it said I have herpies. omg my side hurts
  18. AllMeatNoPotato

    Stinkin like a....well you get the point

    strategically places air fresheners in any house makes it better to live there.
  19. AllMeatNoPotato

    are they ready ?

    there are like really small hairs on the buds and surrounding leaves. looks like peach fuzz.
  20. AllMeatNoPotato

    Need non growing advice

    i just noticed that there is a skull in your pupil, i am telling you what, that is the best I drawing I have ever seen. oh well moving on. the beautiful thing about a relationship is the ability to communicate. if you cannot talk about it, then it is not worth saying. you need to reach down and...