the best pet i have ever had is my yorkie. we have her right now. i have had cats and dogs, not too fond of cats but to each their own. if you get the chance try a yorkshire terrier and it will be your best friend.
you can leave soil unchecked for days at a time when you get to bigger pots. you should check your trees regularly though. some things come on so quick you will need all the time to correct it.
alright spit. this is what we have got so far. these are from too different plants and just some quick pics. there is some good looking sugar on all of the bud sites. I have them baking under a 400 watt hps system from HTG Supplies. that place rocks and everyone in the NE US should try them out...
i put an oscilating fan on mine and I can put my hands on it when the bulb is lit. so it will not hurt the drywall. as always though, put a smoke alarm in there for safe keepings.
why do people always assume that you are a guy. are we still in that sexist mentality that only men post on sites, guys grow, etc... maybe someday we all will understand that their are equal sexes and to decrimilize MJ
I would chose ignorant, that way I would never know any better of what I am doing or enviornmental factors. 420 hit it right on the money when he said we can only tell it is a picture.