Contest Idea's

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pumpkin carving contest

What about a growroom design witha limmited budget...let´s say something like...
Design a growroom..
Area - 10´x10´8´
Budget - 1500$
The Designer needs to create a growroom in a way that all variables can be controled into perfection (temps, Rh, water pH, airflow etc)

sometihng like this would be lots of fun..Peace and Pot
have a brain tease contest.some sort of puzzel maybe even a puzzel you or some one elseneeds salved for their grow room. like the best way to put a vent in the roof or wall going outside
hey rollitup, i like the photo contest. this gives the not so experienced growers, like myself, and the experienced growers an even playing field. contest could be the prettiest bud, or like the best manicured plant. not only will this promote a level playing field, it will get people more involved in the contest. we all grow and lets show the sweetest that we got!!!!!!!!!!!
Give me a couple days I will be putting up another contest.... Megamix is what our sponsor is giving out this month. :hump:
This may be an old thread, but i'm sure someone still reads it (lol).

Idea # 1:
Have contest for the best short story, marijuana related of course! Murder, fantasy, science fiction, romance.

Idea #2:
Design RollItUp's next T-shirt & hat designs! Grow related.
1 best homemade pipe/bong or whatever thing for smokeing.
2 funniest photo shopped pic. (if thats legal)
3 hottest nug/chick pic
lol idk bout some of u but im on a limited budget(only cfls aka bootleg) which means alot ppl like me get ruled out:cry: which i dont think is too cool. i like the picture/photoshop/make a bong ideas!
Alot of expensive contest ideas! I think any contest to be chosen should be somewhat equal. i mean - expierenced or big growers usually don't need the seeds, they already have the strains they want (usually i think) how about some contest for us guys that are growing bag seed!
Alot of expensive contest ideas! I think any contest to be chosen should be somewhat equal. i mean - expierenced or big growers usually don't need the seeds, they already have the strains they want (usually i think) how about some contest for us guys that are growing bag seed!
One could sell their weed and then take that money to buy quality seed!
or, Stand on a sreet corner with a sign that says

"Will work for seed"

Oh, and then there is McDonalds they are always hiring!

Contest Ideas:

1. How about the member who brings in the most "Real Members" or brings in the most advertisers to this site, say with in 30-60 days.


2. The person who creates the best "How To Guide"! That should be fairly easy and real cheap!
Contest Ideas:

1. How about the member who brings in the most "Real Members" or brings in the most advertisers to this site, say with in 30-60 days.


2. The person who creates the best "How To Guide"! That should be fairly easy and real cheap!

Both ideas have already been done as a contest
They're all relatively good contest ideas but I have to say the how to guide sticks out as being an all round winner in my mind.
I can remember starting out and to have an experienced grower tell me I need two 400W halides and a fan deflector for the best lighting was rather intimidating. To have been told I'd need two 400W growers bulbs and a reflective surface to install them under would have made a lot more sense to me at the time.
A guide in the most user friendly language would go a long way for those who don't want to be running around WalMart (yea I said it) asking for hydroponic equipment for a growroom.
And Tanya, if your still reading this thread, sexiest grower wouldn't be fair. You'd win by default and a lot of guys/gals don't want to be visable as mj proponents.
her is an idea post a pick of a plant then see whocan make up a funny storey as to what strain it is.
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