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  1. purpz

    Put Some Hot Water in Your Bong

    yea, i also get hard water stains, but i usually get them from using ice.
  2. purpz

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    That banana kush looks just exactly like the cut i got, stuff smells exactly like TGA's Dairy Queen, but when you smell it up cose you can really smell bananas. Plus its way more potent and actually taste like it smells. good shit. I actually did some breeding with it and I"m pretty sicked:)
  3. purpz

    Put Some Hot Water in Your Bong

    I've heard that hot water is more effective @ filtering out tar & bad impurities in the smoke vs cold water, which filters out more of the thc? I've heard it a few times, not sure if it's true. I usually put hot ass water in my ash catch & just room temp water/cold water in my bong. I used to...
  4. purpz

    algae in water jug

    yea just clean algae w/ some bleach/water solution & you should be good or even rubbing alcohol. & some elbow grease.
  5. purpz

    Binge drinking?

    yea, me too. I'm from the states were it would be just consuming a lot in a short period. :)
  6. purpz

    Binge drinking?

    from what I've heard if you drink rarely, but drink excess amounts your worst off then the person who drinks a beer about every other day.
  7. purpz

    Binge drinking?

    it's pretty much when people drink way too much in a short period of time.
  8. purpz

    Christmas Dinner

    usually my family always eats ham,mashed potatoes, gravy & all the good stuff, but this year we had a mexican feast. It wasn't the same...
  9. purpz

    Who will beat the Packers?

    and if they don't the 9ers will in the playoffs :)
  10. purpz

    breeders question 2

    yea i don't use fem seeds. to bad greenhouse only does fem. now... i also heard "cali-connection" has had some hermie problems too.
  11. purpz

    nice grow man. I have a similar set up with the raised beds w/soil, but mine are on 1000w. I'm...

    nice grow man. I have a similar set up with the raised beds w/soil, but mine are on 1000w. I'm pretty new still to indoor and have access to dank cuts of urkle and urkle crossed strains. Urkle is a complete bitch to grow slow as hell. Ben thinking on switching to soil-less to help w/ its growth...
  12. purpz

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  13. purpz

    TGA Deep Purple yield

    as far as I've seen tho, Deep purple grows very short tight nodes and very bushy. I would say it grows a lot like grape ape and granddaddy,but still haven't seen no finish product...srry
  14. purpz

    TGA Deep Purple yield

    yea, i can never find much on deep purple. Everything i have seen is all old posts and very little info on this strain...i am currently testing it indoors @ the moment...still in veg:)
  15. purpz

    Breaking Bad Final Season

    when does the final season star? season 4 right?
  16. purpz

    Got me a PS3

    yea, i missed his post where he said,"i personally like games that have a story " :) o yea and for movies use "thepiratebay" that is what i use and never had to use a "jailbreak"?
  17. purpz

    Got me a PS3

    god of war
  18. purpz

    Post... That Sandwich You Just Made!! burgers are still better,but 5 guys do have better fries.
  19. purpz

    Post... That Sandwich You Just Made!!

    yea same with me. i could be starving, but if i take a rip right before i eat i end up loosing my appetite. I Get thirsty as a mother tho.
  20. purpz

    Post... That Sandwich You Just Made!!
