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  1. Nighttime

    Brilliant post about Cannabis from Craigslist

    But cotton is the fabric of our lives :-(
  2. Nighttime

    Legal Bud

    lol $200 a pound
  3. Nighttime

    most efficient/strongest way to smoke?

    In terms of most efficient, the vaporizer wins hands down.
  4. Nighttime

    Brilliant post about Cannabis from Craigslist

    Yeah he hits the nail right on the head. The total industry revenue is around $45 billion dollars... Us cannabis users need a bailout, except this bailout will GENERATE money for the country! Woot woot!
  5. Nighttime

    When is Starcraft 2 coming out?

    I know blizzard will do an AMAZING job with this game. They have to live up to the hype because if they fail in the slightest they will ruin their name. The original Starcraft is a recognized national sport in Korea. That's how big the hype is for SC2!
  6. Nighttime


    World of Warcraft man. It has been very therapeutic to some people with depression. You just find a fun guild and you will be fine:-D
  7. Nighttime

    Hiding from people on weekends?

    haha what do they want you to do?
  8. Nighttime

    When is Starcraft 2 coming out?

    So they are starting beta testing? Sweet! So like 6 months or so? I just watched this... and damn! I can not wait, it looks so fun!:hug:
  9. Nighttime

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    I think he means 300?
  10. Nighttime

    Dr. Lester Grinspoon's Marijuana Uses Website

    Thanks OP! I really enjoyed this read and have book marked it. ++rep! Now to get my brain wet on all the essays mentioned above :-D
  11. Nighttime

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    So cal can range from 180 an oz (shitty bud that's been rolled and scraped) to 450 an oz (top shelf)
  12. Nighttime

    Love, Live Advice. Please Help

    If you rush your marriage you are setting yourself up for problems down the road. She sounds insecure because she NEEEEEDED you to marry her. Don't ever lose sight of the fact that you are yourself and in order to be happy for the rest of your life you will need to continue to be yourself for...
  13. Nighttime

    You know your too stoned when.......

    idk why but this made me laugh so hard.
  14. Nighttime

    A must see YouTube

    hahaha im too stoned
  15. Nighttime

    If i had 3 bullets

    Damn man I thought weed didn't make people violent...
  16. Nighttime

    Bump If You're Baked!

    Damn man, Fire OG just kicked my ass.
  17. Nighttime

    Did u know.....

    80085 = BOOBS ( o Y o ) YAY!
  18. Nighttime

    Tinted windows..stoner protection?

    Coming from experience, tinted windows are a huge cop magnet. Cops profile, they have a job to do and it makes their job much easier, and tinted windows are a huge tip off to cops. Anyway, hope that helps you out.
  19. Nighttime

    A must see YouTube

    :shock: hahahaha holy shit I didn't even realize this!
  20. Nighttime

    How long do you think this will continue?

    We will recover. However with that said, the face of our economy has forever changed. We will recover once our change has fully been realized.