Yeah he hits the nail right on the head. The total industry revenue is around $45 billion dollars... Us cannabis users need a bailout, except this bailout will GENERATE money for the country! Woot woot!
I know blizzard will do an AMAZING job with this game. They have to live up to the hype because if they fail in the slightest they will ruin their name. The original Starcraft is a recognized national sport in Korea. That's how big the hype is for SC2!
So they are starting beta testing? Sweet! So like 6 months or so? I just watched this...
and damn! I can not wait, it looks so fun!:hug:
If you rush your marriage you are setting yourself up for problems down the road. She sounds insecure because she NEEEEEDED you to marry her. Don't ever lose sight of the fact that you are yourself and in order to be happy for the rest of your life you will need to continue to be yourself for...
Coming from experience, tinted windows are a huge cop magnet. Cops profile, they have a job to do and it makes their job much easier, and tinted windows are a huge tip off to cops. Anyway, hope that helps you out.