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  1. FilthyFletch

    did she herm on me? pics too

    Those are just swollen glandular sacs
  2. FilthyFletch

    When should i induce flowering?

    Technically you can flower from seedling as soon as it has it first set of leaves. Your not gonna really get much. Id at least wait til you have 3 or 4 sets of nodes if you want even a little bud.
  3. FilthyFletch

    People be posting their inventions--Here's Mine

    I was gonna say there have been several air powered cars around for decades lol
  4. FilthyFletch

    People be posting their inventions--Here's Mine

    I saw that dumb clear backed bird house on tv last week comes with clear bird feeder too and privacy sheild film lol
  5. FilthyFletch

    When should i induce flowering?

    from seed or clone? I assume your doing a very small plant with such little light?
  6. FilthyFletch

    3 on/9off utilizing DIY 730nm PFR pontoon and a tentacle of light

    Im not following this. I see white leds so total wrong colors and if i read right you want to do 6 hours of light only? outdoors gets by on minimal 8 hours direct light. if you singl grow like this your gonna get few grams at best so what would be any possible positive to this?
  7. FilthyFletch

    2 weeks of darkness

    you should have just bought a 10 dollar timer
  8. FilthyFletch

    so one ta two weeks to go?

    Next round get way more light. Looks pretty rough and after drying maybe a half oz at best Im guessing. Id go another 2 weeks I guess hard to tell as the hairs are mature but buds look immature from poor lighting
  9. FilthyFletch

    Crazy underground idea

    slimj.....Im not sure what you mean as basements can not have wood only subterrainean walls as it will not pass code, will not last, will fail, and can not be made structurally strong enough. Yes inside you finish basements in wood but no earth to material contact. Anyone who would say you can...
  10. FilthyFletch

    Crazy underground idea

    On the wood rotting thing. As a carpenter yes you can get treated lumber and plywood. The plywood if in the soil will rot eventually and really not that long of time. You could encapsulate it much as your would on a boat and use marine grade treated and it could last a decade. The question on...
  11. FilthyFletch

    Crazy underground idea

    If grandma doesnt know then dont grow. One plant on the property in the right state can have grandma homeless broke and in jail.
  12. FilthyFletch

    SEED STAND-OFF, Durban (Sensi Seed Bank) v Durban (Dutch Passion),

    I still have a 10 pack of Durban Poison from Dutch Passion. I never grew them as I knew alot of growers who did which was about 10 or so years ago and all had crappy outcomes. Lot of hermies, poor yeild and just all around poor quality to the product.
  13. FilthyFletch

    Do i trim bottom buds if getting no light?

    During flower you really shouldnt do much or any pruning other then maybe dead or dying leaves. Especially the larger fans they make the yeild and feed the plant for potency.
  14. FilthyFletch

    Help upside down canoing and looks weak

    What is the ph of the water your putting in and what is the ph of the water draining out from that watering. You may have a lock out issue which is stopping good up take of both water and food.
  15. FilthyFletch

    changing light schedule

    what stage are they in if flower you run into problems if just in veg then just change them
  16. FilthyFletch

    Dry winter air. How do you increase humidity? Powerful DIY Humidifier?

    add a humidifier or containers/buckets of water in grow area.
  17. FilthyFletch

    going on vacation

    Well this is not a good situation but it can be done. You need a small water pump a daily multi time timer and if you have money an auto ph doser. You run lines to each pot. You set the timer after a few test runs to come on say like every 3-4 days for a timed length you have to figure you...
  18. FilthyFletch

    Bringing Out the PURPLE.....???

    I do it a few ways. The temp drop is the easiest most used way down to 50-55 F during lights out for 1-2 weeks at end of flower and give it 48 hours dark before cut. Purple max has worked for me at times with certain strains but the lower temp method works best for me.
  19. FilthyFletch


    Id say manicured dried and cured 6-8 oz total wet probably 20 oz hard to see.. They needed to be lollipopped and thinned a bit which would have doubled the yield.
  20. FilthyFletch

    Window AC

    The front of the windows unit has to be in one area while the back or exhaust needs o be in a nother area or vented out of the same room. You will get alot of water condensation out the back so make sure you have a way to catch the water