Search results

  1. ontariogrower

    3 elite CLONE ONLY strains where to buy???

    nothing wrong with big bug I had some grow last year fuckin huge 8 foot tall 4 pound dried off one plant and not that bad for outdoor chop either I plan on bringin some genes this year to bump her thc up thow and maybe some flavour for next year.
  2. ontariogrower

    Skunk#1 vs Skunk#1

    is there any difference between the skunk#1 from Dutch Passion or Sensi
  3. ontariogrower

    attitude seed bank cupon code - what is it?

    I grabbed kc36 and TNR the shop guy was kinda a dick I think he new that it was a bad batch just cause like 20 mintues later another guy came complaining
  4. ontariogrower

    Outdoor nutes for largescale

    Ight so I have a large grow coming my way 300+ on 4 seperate sites any ways I have the basic nutes 20-20-20 and 15-30-15 each patch is being feed by a 55gal barrel and then run into tap feeders but is there anything availible in commercial size/type that is the equivalent of BIG BUD BLOOM...
  5. ontariogrower

    Mothers and Cloning

    you can chop a mother right down and leave like 4 or 5 nodes and still be fine its call reveging people do with a mom flower out and cut her down.
  6. ontariogrower

    attitude seed bank cupon code - what is it?

    I dont like kc got to packages from a local seed bank they were all pail and 2 crack/crushed
  7. ontariogrower

    Fresh Shrooms vs Dried

    what is the difference in high between dried shrooms vs fresh ones also is there any shrooms you shouldnt eat fresh
  8. ontariogrower

    wild weed

    hey cross wild hemp into strains can really inprove it thats when you take the f1 seeds and start field dropping them and really fuck the US Failure on drugs only problem is if I tried to pick some a cop would probaly make his career bust lol a local police officer made a world record...
  9. ontariogrower

    wild weed

    well looks like after this years crop im doing some traviling lol
  10. ontariogrower

    LOOKing for some clone only strains

    title says it all im on the search for clone only strains if you have the true clones contact me lets set some thing up
  11. ontariogrower

    wild weed

    So basic im looking to find some wild marijuana with so many outdoor grows and feds spraying over the years its hard to find true wild marijuana where are some good places to find true wild weed where in northamerica where in aisa where in india where in europe
  12. ontariogrower

    That time of year again

    do you mean high north low south faces
  13. ontariogrower

    That time of year again

    So im gettin ready for this years big crop I have my clones ordered from my supplyer got a question thow I want to drop some trees in my grow site what is the best direction to let them fall north east west or south so that I can maximise the amount of sun gettin to the plants also I have...
  14. ontariogrower

    Colloidal Silver PPM?

    its hard to say ppm when making your own the best way is to just do a couple hours burst of electricity like 3
  15. ontariogrower

    My tenants are growing, I think

    one thing you have to watch out for is some states are starting to charge teh landlords for the clean up of grow op also make sure the electrcity bill is in there name
  16. ontariogrower

    AE77 clone whats the deal?

    does any one have any info does this clone still exsist or are there just seeds from this clone its the clone that produce teh first cali orange
  17. ontariogrower

    Conservatives would impose mandatory sentences on drug dealers, grow-ops

    it amazisis me how the U.S is moving forward almost past the Failure on drugs "war on drugs" with cali on the verg of legalizing weed and canada wants to take a massive leap backwards fuck it wasnt that long ago we had it decriminalilzed then the U.S "bush" stepped in and screwed everything
  18. ontariogrower

    AE77 clone whats the deal?

    so im reading some history on the AE77 clone basicly anyone now if this thing is still kick around if so who what where really would like to get my hands on this
  19. ontariogrower

    Conservatives would impose mandatory sentences on drug dealers, grow-ops

    Please help stop this make a petition VANCOUVER, B.C. - The federal government is proposing changes to the Criminal Code that would impose mandatory minimum jail time for serious drug crimes. Justice Minister Rob...
  20. ontariogrower

    Just got a 420$ bong! pics

    kids listen to me DON'T DO DRUGS I DID THEM ONE TIME AND THINGS GOT TO REAL"Holy Crap im freakin out"