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  1. max316420

    *help* dying plants, no clue what is wrong *help* - pics included

    looks like it just needs a feeding. are you letting your soil dry between waterings?
  2. max316420

    128 lbs per harvest?

    I use fox farm grow big in veg and that's it, I absolutely love it.. Been using if for about 10 years and never had any problems with it. Now in bloom I use Advanced nutrient sensi bloom A and B, Fox farm grow big, big bud, bud candy and calmag. But I don't usually introduce flowering food until...
  3. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    I think it's water soluble, I have never used it because i don't use ff bloomers only growbig. But I have talked to people that do use it and they seem to like it.
  4. max316420


    ya I don't see any either... I think you'll be fine dude.
  5. max316420


    If it's black when you break it open then that's probably what it is, if not your fine
  6. max316420

    Clones from a flowering plant =( HELP

    Just for like a week so they revert back to veg, then you can go to 18 on and 6 off.. But it's funny you say that cause I was just reading an article in hightimes that states its actually more efficient to leave them on 24. You get like 30% more growth, but that's a different thread
  7. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    Where I live a 1.5 cf bag of ffof is 30 bucks, and a bail of promix that expands out to 7.5 cf for 35 bucks... IMO ffof drys out waaaaaay to quick, I'm on my seconds run with a batch and the first run I added perlite to it and the shit had to be watered just about everyday, and I'm on my second...
  8. max316420

    raising soil ph

    always use lime, and unless your plants are DARK green then they are usually healthy as hell.. Don't believe everything you read on here, kinda have to pick and choose what advice to listen too. I'm only giving my advice because I have experienced this before. I try not to give advice on stuff I...
  9. max316420

    PICS~ Is this a MAG deficiency?????~PICS PLEASE HELP!!!~PICS

    lack of nitrogen can do more then just make the plant yellow.. Plus it can interfere with the uptake of other nutrients
  10. max316420

    Clones from a flowering plant =( HELP

    Keep your lights on 24 hours
  11. max316420

    PICS~ Is this a MAG deficiency?????~PICS PLEASE HELP!!!~PICS

    Foliar feed with a veg food, by the 3rd to 4th feeding you be back in line
  12. max316420

    raising soil ph

    Don't think your having a ph issue, just underfeeding a little
  13. max316420

    raising soil ph

    and some more nitrogen
  14. max316420

    Afghan strain okay to go ouside in middle of august

    yes you can put it outside, just do it slowly.. Each day leave it outside for longer and longer til it gets used to the environment
  15. max316420

    Plant dying pics.

    It would be better, but as much as it sucks it's just not gonna happen lol
  16. max316420

    PICS~ Is this a MAG deficiency?????~PICS PLEASE HELP!!!~PICS

    Probably hasn't fed it, or fed it enough
  17. max316420

    clones or seeds

    Naw don't worry about it, just wanted to let you know so you don't get booted.. Plus you never know their could be the popo or dea on here and try to set you up
  18. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    and promix, its some good stuff
  19. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    I think your confusing micros with mycos