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  1. max316420

    Tiny holes in leaves (pics)

    Keep an eye out for future mites, them fuckers like to magically reappear lol
  2. max316420

    raising soil ph

    I have read that oyster shells don't last as long as lime does.. I know ffof uses oyster shells but if when I use it I still add lime
  3. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    Might be mold???
  4. max316420

    raising soil ph

    Won't matter if he adds the lime, I don't even check or worry about my ph anymore
  5. max316420

    raising soil ph

    Dolomite lime
  6. max316420

    PICS~ Is this a MAG deficiency?????~PICS PLEASE HELP!!!~PICS

    It's not nute burn, your plant is lacking nitrogen
  7. max316420

    Plant dying pics.

    Won't turn green again but new growth will be fine
  8. max316420

    Plant dying pics.

  9. max316420

    Will Fox Farm Grow Big KILL mycos?

    ahhhhhh i see said the blind man
  10. max316420

    What is wrong with my babies??

    just back your light off
  11. max316420

    Plant dying pics.

    Good luck bro... what strain is it?
  12. max316420

    Plant dying pics.

    just wait.... if you flushed her she will recover, just takes a little time. I used some insecteside before (can't remember what it was) and used too much and alot of the overspray went into my soil and completely fried my moms, mine ended up waaaay worse them yours was. Your plant will be fine...
  13. max316420

    Tiny holes in leaves (pics)

    Looks good to me, don't worry about that. Not every leaf is gonna be perfect
  14. max316420

    Plant dying pics.

    yepper.... plus mixing your own can be tricky, go with something that you know will work
  15. max316420

    Leaf Problem Please Help

    Naw I'm mostly here to help people
  16. max316420

    Plant dying pics.

    what wasn't good?
  17. max316420

    I'm a rockwool murderer.

    I tried rockwool a long time ago and plants lasted about 2 days lol