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  1. ValleGrown

    White Strains...
  2. ValleGrown

    White Strains...

    Snow white man I'm growing it ATM check out the grow it could be of reference use. It is a pure heavy indica father x white widow.
  3. ValleGrown

    I need a sex pro

    Lol. I just realized I put "it's a dude man" lol thats awesome
  4. ValleGrown

    I need a sex pro

    It's a dude man. Either use it for pollen and isolate it. OR KILL THAT VATO. ese lol :). Jk
  5. ValleGrown

    Seed germinated till leaves came out a little bit

    Don't pinch or break it though
  6. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    New pics or old pics? If it's the new ones. I think it's actually a deficiancy of n. Just been givin this girl water man. She was put in miracle grow organics about a month ago and said it feed for up to 1-2 months. Guess it was a month lol :) I gave her some food today though :)
  7. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    They are just comin back from clones. The BC GOD BUD. Does that when you clone it. And they are both just that
  8. ValleGrown

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    I'm trying man. It's the damn ventilation In the supercloset. Bouts ta replace it
  9. ValleGrown

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    I think its a zinc def. possible late stage. Either that or N. Or both lol. Just gave her some nutes. Just been giving her water lately
  10. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    Don't think so brother. My tattoo is actually of the LSD molecule
  11. ValleGrown

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    So my friend gave me his supercloset deluxe 2.0 due to his cousin mouthing off in another town and word getting back to his family from someone completely random. so i inherited this wonderful closet with a 400W HPS cool tube. Temps are runnin at around 80-88 . I just spread her out a ton...
  12. ValleGrown

    Outdoor Scrog 2011-Scroflake

    Right on so Cali. You lucky dog. I'm wanting to move to oregon
  13. ValleGrown

    Outdoor Scrog 2011-Scroflake

    I wish I could start my outdoor soon :( fuckin snow
  14. ValleGrown

    Outdoor Scrog 2011-Scroflake

    What long and lat are you at?
  15. ValleGrown

    Post em here in my thread...

    Post em here in my thread.
  16. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    The supercropping has begun. And I have got a different method to it.. I don't breakmy stems at all. Just the down the branch enough so it makes a mean ol knot at the meristem and then spread her all open like and watch all the other colas come in. This snow white is gonna be mean. I might scrog...
  17. ValleGrown

    250w HPS SNOW WHITE GROW. all help and comments are greatly appreciated. Supercropped

    Bump Bump bump. By the way I inherited this supercloset. And no I did notwaste my lifes saving in it
  18. ValleGrown

    Show Me What You Got LST?

    Nice watering method bro. I dig it. Now only if I had the patience to fuck with all dat. I think eventually I will but I gave yet to hit that part of my growing journey. :)