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  1. iloveit

    another "is she done yet" for a first grow

    I forgot to ask, usually what percentage of the over all bud should be orange/tinge colour before chopping?
  2. iloveit

    Cop next door

    The dog is probably thinking "Mmmm I smell bacon".
  3. iloveit

    Would someone kindly send me an invite referral to the "cannacabana" please

    Would someone be so kind to send me an invitation to "thecannacabana" please.
  4. iloveit

    Soil watering question

    Cheers mate got it.
  5. iloveit

    Soil watering question

    My question is when it comes to watering in soil am I supposed to feed nutrients every watering or only EVERY OTHER watering & plain PHed water in-between?
  6. iloveit

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Ha hah you probably right about that.
  7. iloveit

    My first grow, useing Aerofram

    Thanks for the answers Bood.
  8. iloveit

    Heaths Flooded Tube Vertical

    Id like to see Heath Robinson & Al B Fuct get together & perform a super grow, Id love to see that journal!
  9. iloveit

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    Its short for Nutrients
  10. iloveit

    what is the proper way to flush plants

    In hydro: With water approx 1 - 2 weeks prior to harvest.
  11. iloveit

    400w closet organic s.c.r.o.g. - Jack Herer & Unknown

    What medium were you using in the pics on the first page, It looks like large pebbles of perlite but it wasnt in a ebb & flow set up nor did it seem like it was a hydro grow, so what was that medium?
  12. iloveit

    another "is she done yet" for a first grow

    Nice one SpruceZeus, Ill keep that in mind, thanks.
  13. iloveit

    another "is she done yet" for a first grow

    Its about time someone finally summed it up with common sense. I have only one question: What if I wait for the plant to ripen & then from this point begin to flush for 2 weeks, will the THC or other factors decrease thus reducing potency come harvest?
  14. iloveit

    My first 3 chamber closet grow with Blueberry

    Here are some quick snap shots of the grow op, as you can see one of them has decided to turn rouge Im not sure if the discolouration is just due to genetics or if its an indication of some sort hopefully one of you guys can diagnose it.
  15. iloveit

    My first 3 chamber closet grow with Blueberry

    I thought we are supposed to flush prior 2 weeks to harvest in hydro. My blueberrys are light feeder the MS is always @ 1.5/1000PPM so for what duration would be an ideal flush period for these girls?
  16. iloveit

    My first 3 chamber closet grow with Blueberry

    An update has been long overdue so here we go: Week 7 of flowering. The challenges (problem) never end for a noobie, the latest is that I found little grains at the bottom of my Ionic bloom not my reservoir but in the bottle of nutes I have no idea how it got there or what caused...
  17. iloveit

    take off it's blueberry.

    Im also growing blueberry (dutch passion) in hydro drip feed, I just received my VitaLink MAX bloom A+B nutes (I have ahrd water so ordered the Hard water nutes) today. At the moment Im flushing the blueberrys before I feed them Vitalink because they were fed ionic nutes all this time, the girls...
  18. iloveit

    Can I transfer my rockwool grown clones to soil?

    Thanks every one I cant wait to get started.
  19. iloveit

    Can I transfer my rockwool grown clones to soil?

    Im going to do the exact same but mine will be an indoor grow Id just like to know if I should PH it as if its a soil grow or hydro grow as the RW contains alkaline & raises the PH. What would you do?