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  1. AllMeatNoPotato

    Lighting Questions and Suggestions

    not true rell, not true at all
  2. AllMeatNoPotato

    Woody Harleson..... being a GOOD citizen

    Don't you remember when the corvettes trounced the ferraris at Le-mons med, if my memory serves me correctly, sometimes don't due to the E I have taken, a vet never beat a fer at le Mons. that is why the Ford GT was invented. no one could beat the italians at the race. when it was brought out...
  3. AllMeatNoPotato

    For Vi and Wavels

    thats a good def of just if I ever heard one!
  4. AllMeatNoPotato

    What's Everybody Do For A Living?

    you must be 18 to participate on this site. give yourself a year to two and come back. do good in school and go to college. PEACE!
  5. AllMeatNoPotato

    help please

    I can tell you that you will have a heat issue. that much light in a small space is going to kick off some mean ass heat. I know that blueberry grows well indoors. don't know about the russian. are you looking at growing around 7-8 plants in that area? if you are growing that many plants, than...
  6. AllMeatNoPotato

    help please

    wel 1st of all i am growing in a 100cm (3'+) x 100cm (3'+)x 200cm (6 1/2') homebox as it is my 1st grow, im using a 600w sodium pressure bulb. its a hydro set-up, flood and drain system. i am looking at growing somethng like blueberry or white russian. would this be a good move? and wot (what)...
  7. AllMeatNoPotato

    help please

    if ppl dnt understand ths thn go bk t school! gl getting a response when you act like an ass. PEACE!
  8. AllMeatNoPotato

    Ahh yes, if at first you don't succeed, try .. try again.

    med, how are you going to use fuck and repertoire (actual spelling) in the same sentence? don't agree with your def of profanity but that is another area. how do you want people to respect you if you do not give them the decency of respect. i know that I agree with you on alot of things, but you...
  9. AllMeatNoPotato

    For Vi and Wavels

    a spectrum has two sides. so you should thank him for presenting the other side. for without his point of view, yours could not exist. remember a spectrum is a whole not just a side.
  10. AllMeatNoPotato

    Woody Harleson..... being a GOOD citizen

    I see your small block and raise you the monte ss sitting in my driveway lol
  11. AllMeatNoPotato

    (Jorge Cervantes' Ultimate Grow Dvd) is it a good buy.

    i would go for the book first. that is great advice nongreen. +rep
  12. AllMeatNoPotato

    Woody Harleson..... being a GOOD citizen

    lol med thats funny. I have SBC also, they connect my PC to yours. lol why post something and gloat about the fact that not alot of people understand what it is? where is the knowledge or wisdom in that? -devil's advocate
  13. AllMeatNoPotato

    Smoke's WW, Crystal, Ice Journal

    fuck the toasts in the morning give me wake and bake hell yeah. love the bong on the toaster!
  14. AllMeatNoPotato

    Carbon Scrubber

    here is the link. don't forget to leave the guy some rep lol LINK:
  15. AllMeatNoPotato

    How Do I Go About Getting A Cannabis License? [CA]

    i would give up my right testicle to live in cali. I have had enough of the rust belt!
  16. AllMeatNoPotato

    "Nanny State" Origins...

    man, michigan got their shit pushed in hell yeh!!!
  17. AllMeatNoPotato

    Woody Harleson..... being a GOOD citizen

    lol thats good Vi
  18. AllMeatNoPotato


    oh so now I see, you were willing to cut a larger hole to put a fan in it. thought that was what my post said also. oh well?
  19. AllMeatNoPotato

    Whatcha Get 4 X-Mas?

    not here skunk. it is hard to find a glass one nowadays.
  20. AllMeatNoPotato


    I bet you there is a law in texas skunk about a guy in town with a dildo up in him. something like 10-20 years lol