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  1. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    :) Yeah wish i did this from the beginning.. ARGH !!!!!!!!! Dunno what you mean with losing the perpetual ? :joint:
  2. DWR

    HoLE's NL times Skunk Garage Room Grow

    Looks great man !!!! :) !
  3. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    im about to harvest and it only took me 6 n a half weeks.. where as the soil is gona take me a week and a half at least to get the results i wanted.. sog for the win with coco.. :) just buy the clones.... ! no need in trying to perfect something someone else has allready done.. :) u know what...
  4. DWR

    Ready to move weight and move weight only, but cannot find a middle

    look for well educated people.......... with a good lifestyle... that dont need to make a fortune out of what u give them... :) best people... and life time friends.
  5. DWR

    The Futuristic Technology Thread

    Interesting : 2019 A $1,000 personal computer has as much raw power as the human brain. The summed computational powers of all computers is comparable to the total brainpower of the human race. Computers are embedded everywhere in the environment (inside of furniture, jewelry, walls...
  6. DWR

    my girlfriend .:)):):

    Fuck i want that tooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. DWR

    No Luck Getting Bud

    hahah i usually dont watch gay dawson but this is fucking funny
  8. DWR

    check out my 420 Garden !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P :P

    owned facebook ! Im gona leave it like this forever, hopefully i will win something for the most creative garden :) :P :joint:
  9. DWR


    check out my fucking garden in FARMVILLE ! I think im the first to do this, if y'all do it :)
  10. DWR


    I just went all red, u serious :D = :P :D:D:D:D
  11. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    waterd all white widows with about 5dl of water ! half a litre.... -
  12. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    1 stretchd cuz of lack of light........ :( Might have to kill her.... dont want a stuck up bitch in my grow box
  13. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    day 11 Flowering - White Widow ! Looking fucking great if u ask me :).... Ph 5.8 - ec 1.3 Today. Next week 1.4 Then its straight up to 1.9 !
  14. DWR


    Fuck stoneys here !? hellllllllllo darling....... :)
  15. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    :) Just learning from the pros... Fuck soil tho man.. realy fuck it to hell ! :D :spew:
  16. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    I just realized i am using coco pk 13/14... for my soil plants !!!!!! :) HAHAAAAAAAA Damn i knew that i had it, but i didnt do the correct maths for it at all... I had a ph of 5.9 and had to ph it up :) looooooooooooooool !!!!!!! It automaticly goes down so low cuz of this shit, i should of...
  17. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    day 43 Flowering - Hesi. Coco.
  18. DWR

    First thing you would do if three cops walked up to your door holding handcuffs

    First thing you would do if three cops walked up to your door holding handcuffs - I WOULD SAY : She aint here...... !!!!!!!! :) ROFL LMFAO !
  19. DWR

    I might stop growin

    Oh and congrats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)