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  1. DWR

    I might stop growin

    Just reading the comments, from fdd saying his kid gets good grades, i find that most parents that smoke weed around there kids.. seem to NOT SMOKE WEED !!! ??? anyways, i could name loads of examples.. about 5 names come straight to my mind that have kids and well smoke weed.. but they dont grow..
  2. DWR

    omg just reading yahoo question & Answer is hilarious i could do this all day !

    Here's one.. post your best you can find :D !!!! Masturbation, Don't Feel No Sensation!? Whenever I try to masturbate (teen/male) all I get is when i'm close to ejaculating (think I am) my penis sort of shudders and then hurts especially on the tip. I can't touch my penis...
  3. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    so you can give me a grand then :P :P ? U should be called luckyboy :) :P :weed::clap: congrats on your wins, im sticking to not pokering anymore.. no point.... :spew:
  4. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    yup, exactly.. u can give her exactly what she needs :)
  5. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    I have also learned very much about ph, ec, how to do things, what the plants needs at certain stages aso.. i have a huge pallet of products now.. :) House and Garden rules !!!!!!!!!!! :joint:
  6. DWR

    Any books or websites that teach everything about growing weed?

    have fun Quote: (ContentseBook) - Drugs marijuana Grower's Guide.doc (eBook) - Drugs marijuana Grower's Guide.doc Beginner's Guide To Growing marijuana.doc Curing marijuana.rtf Do It Yourself - How To Make Hash Oil.pdf Do It Yourself - THC Resin Extraction.pdf Ed...
  7. DWR

    What do you do with your resin?

    throw it a hater :) there u go fucker.. :D heres your smoke.. nah just joking.. but possible.. :hump:
  8. DWR

    What do you do with your resin?

    dude wtf, thats poor......... i would rather not smoke weed than smoke that shit :) u do mean the shit thats left over in the pipes and shit.. no way... dude. no friggin way....... i can easily obtain some crappy weed i would rather do that...
  9. DWR

    Any books or websites that teach everything about growing weed? haha here u go...........
  10. DWR

    Any books or websites that teach everything about growing weed?

    search for user dwr in the search bar.. then go to about the 5th last page or so, i posted some e-books... peace
  11. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    wow 40 days is forver for you, what you on about ? and i've never grown coco before in my whole entire life.. this is my first time... the coco is the one where it says COCO : ... lol... u cant see a diffrence well fuck me, u must be blind
  12. DWR

    I say fuck the police that's how I treat em'!

    bwahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :joint: cracks me up evry time.
  13. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    day 38 - FUCK HESI ! FUCK !!!!!!!!! Im so disapointed.. what the fuck is this, some kind of pathetic harvest ... fuck me.... fUCK ME ! Im so angry... i want to slap my plants... one thing is good about hesi, the fucking resin just goes crazy with it... the house & garden nutes will be coming...
  14. DWR

    I made a choice...a very tough one.

    Smoke on your own, or with your m8s... girlfriends arnt here to smoke with and get stoned the whole day... go out with her, when u get back chill in your office smoke a spliff, play some games.. do some work maybe.... then go to bed and dedicate yourself to her.. why the fuck give up something...
  15. DWR

    Nazi experiement in Brazil could have led to 38 twins in 1 square mile area

    just saw this :) gona watch it aswell.... :) I bet in future u can bread yourself and transplant your brain in to the new you.. maybe your a kid.. like 10 years old.. fuck it, smart as hell.. :)
  16. DWR [site seems to be having problems]

    i cant upload pics... have i reachd a limit, i dont want to open up a thread ;) GOGROW :D :D !!!!!!!
  17. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    I am hand watering them all ;) haha...... its better to water them by hand... i want them to dry out... :) i said fuck it this round. ;) haha....... i use 3dl of water per plant.. now its gona up to 6dl.. its a pain in the ass... but i get it done it about 2 minutes... its not hard :)
  18. DWR

    White Rhino x El Niño 400W grow

    shooting powder has co2 in it allready :) Beauty ;) hihiiiiiiii
  19. DWR

    Lets get ready to rumble

    Root complex, veg nutes, get her going... :) emm... what u using soil or coco ?
  20. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    takes me 10 minutes each day... maybe 20 now... pretty much not doing anything :) :weed: hihih just being honest ;) thanks allot man.