Nazi experiement in Brazil could have led to 38 twins in 1 square mile area


Well-Known Member
That guy Josef Mengele was one sick and fucked up person it could have easily been his doing


What better way to breed "the perfect race" than to shit out 2-3 of the same looking white kids instead of one? Awesome nazi experiment imo. Wasn't that Shitler's plan all along... to just have the pure Blonde blue eyed taints?

The Happy Camper

Active Member
woah thats crazy. looks like they arent mutated so i hope it was that joseph evil doc cuz then itll be a MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH somehow..


Well-Known Member
Wasn't that Shitler's plan all along... to just have the pure Blonde blue eyed taints?
this is a common misconception taught by the propaganda machine.

Many Germans and Nazi's have dark hair and dark eyes.
The Nazi's biggest allies were the Japanese and the Italians.


Well-Known Member
just saw this :) gona watch it aswell.... :)

I bet in future u can bread yourself and transplant your brain in to the new you.. maybe your a kid.. like 10 years old.. fuck it, smart as hell.. :)