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  1. D

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    It doesn't matter if you have zero knowledge or allot(there are those that have more knowledge than I and some with less) lets keep this class as fun and positive as possible. I will be back around the 1st of Jan to post some more details. There are also going to be some surprises along the...
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    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    If you are here to contribute some info that will help the growers than you are more than welcome to stop by anytime and post. But if you can't bring anything positive that will help them then just go harass someone else on another thread.
  3. D

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    You should be fine----and a little personality is great as well-----see you at the class...
  4. D

    CANNABIS THERPEUTICS is the place for me.

    GrowTech- Once again you're wrong about the practices of CT. I was there first hand and the conditions of the dispensary were clean and sterile. As far as product I personally witnessed a quality check that consisted of taste testing/weight/microscopic and visual examination for pests and...
  5. D

    CANNABIS THERPEUTICS is the place for me.

    It's funny---I didn't find any raping/adding weight/higher prices than any other dispensary/bad buesness practices or any of the claims or statements that you have made against CT. In fact I found only the opposite. I think Herb may be a little proud and boisterous about his dispensary and as...
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    -------False------If The soil run-off is 6.7 and he's input water pH is 6.6 then he would still be under 7 not over. As far as the ideal pH for soil and marijuana that allows all major and minor plus micros to be available and assimilated in a non-chelated form----it's a 6.575 pH.
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    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    Trying to keep our fellow growers informed and safe. Happy Holidays to you brother. Please look after my threads while I'm gone, be back in a couple of weeks. Take care.
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    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    I will be outta town for the next couple of weeks----be back a couple of days before the class----have a great Christmas and New Year and we'll see ya soon
  9. D

    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Yes feed with plain water in between feeds and increase your ppm's each feed as we said befor---glad to here things are well.
  10. D

    ***Official Nutrients Thread***

    different strain can handle more or less ppm's and you can slowly built the ppm's up as you have found. Next time you have a plant that has a major problem mix R/O----NEEM-----H2O2-----combined sulphur, Dip the whole root ball in the solution---If the plant has any chance at all this is like a...
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    ***Official Nutrients Thread***

    yes that how you do it-----water----nutes----ph----feed. Next time PH to 6.3.
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    THC Breathstrips

    They use the same listerine machine that runs---50,000.00---I love the effect of the strips but it takes a long time to feel the effect 1 to 4 hours.
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    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    1. Keep your ph between 5.5 and 5.8(90% of the reason you have the yellowing---lockout of sulphur.----the Epsom will not break the lockout but chealeted nutes can be used by the plants at any ph for soil the sugar is great---feeds the benificials/fungi-----not so great for hydro(plants can't...
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    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    The nice thing is brother------They cost less----are built well----put out more co2 than 99.9% other units----can use a small aquarium pump and 7 gallon bucket. Can be run by almost all controllers.--can be run in the flowering room or outside in another room---the best part is they are under...
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    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    check this bad boy out---------------- HydroGEN Water Cooled CO2 Generator The HydroGEN is the world's first and only water cooled CO2 generator. Water cooling is capable of removing 86% of the heat produced by burning propane and has loads of other options and features not available in any...
  16. D

    *** Ask Dr. VonDankenstine ***

    Yes----as you said the margins are yellow with the veins green-----sulphur/nitrogen def----you're PH could be above 5.8 check that----then add a well balanced nute with all the micro's(iron/manganese/ ect...) if you are worried about the over-water(I'm not by looking at the picks) add some h202...
  17. D

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    I'm going to post the things you''ll need for the first set of classes. 1. PH meter or PH test vial---(It doesn't have to be an expensive one but You need to have one and it must work properly. If you want to go really cheap Wal-Mart sells a PH test kit in the aquarium fish section.(this kit...
  18. D

    *** Online Growing School 101 ***

    very cool----happy to have ya along stumps:fire: