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  1. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    A few assorted TGA buds at 37 days........peace
  2. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    Heres a few more pics of TW at 37 days in.I found a keeper in Arjans TW,this pheno will kick your ass.....peace
  3. Mr.Therapy Man

    RIGHT just a stright Answer please.....

    I shoot for 6.5 in my nutes and never have had any ph problems.peace
  4. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    Some resin coated nugs at five weeks....peace
  5. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    I framed me a new vegging closet yesterday,I still have to sheetrock it on the outside.Im just running mylar on the inside........peace
  6. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    Lets try this again,heres my favorite girl.Shes the rotten fruit pheno of space queen
  7. Mr.Therapy Man

    3 or 5 gallon clones???????help

    115 will give you more yield and the 3 gallon bags will grow huge plants with the right lights and nutes.....peace
  8. Mr.Therapy Man

    Subcool beans on sale

    (Black friday sale)Subcool beans are on sale for a couple days for all breedbay members.JTR and several other strains are just 45.00....peace
  9. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    Yea he said this BB uses very few nutes and Ill feed it later on in flowering.Ive cloned her and put her into flower.My Kali mist clones are tall and skinny and look like they would stretch a lot...peace
  10. Mr.Therapy Man

    dwc water res qquestion

    My air temps are in the 50s my water temps in my buckets are in the 60s
  11. Mr.Therapy Man

    dwc water res qquestion

    Mine are getting down in the 50s at night and it does not hurt my DWC buckets,Colder water dont faze mine very much.Im not a DWC pro,Im just growing in it now.Ive been in soil since the early 80s when we used MH only....peace
  12. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    Heres my pride and joy.Ive got several SQ plants that smell like cantalope and two smell like rotten friut.The one above is the rotten fruit pheno,my cantalopes are taller slim SQs.Ive got two chernobyls turning dark purple,almost black and Ive saved it by takeing three clones............peace
  13. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    Space queen and chenobyl
  14. Mr.Therapy Man

    Mr.Therapy Mans TGA grow

    Space bombs are starting to flower hard .Heres a few pics I took a couple days ago
  15. Mr.Therapy Man

    cant decide..hydro or soil..?

    Ive been in soil for over thirty years outside and since 1999 inside.Im running my first DWC buckets now and Im 5 weeks into flowering and alls well.This will be my one and only DWC grow,my buds grow better, easier and taste one hell of lot better in soil.Too much bullshit to fuck with them...
  16. Mr.Therapy Man

    Gypsy Nirvana / SCAM!

    Hes ripping people off on seedbay and blameing the royal mail.Its a funny thing that breedbays not haveing any trouble with thier mail.
  17. Mr.Therapy Man

    Cloning expert needed PLEASE

    The trick is to get the roots before your plants health starts downhill
  18. Mr.Therapy Man

    Cloning expert needed PLEASE

    Sometimes they root but are not healthy enough to make it..
  19. Mr.Therapy Man

    Raidermans double purple doja,magic merlin,grape krush

    Hey Raiderman did you post the bidzbay seed site on THC farmer,I saw where someone edited your thread.Logic has about ran all the breeders off,Cali connection and Billy goat, OJD, are over at the pimp now.I only ordered from the farm once and I got great service but I dont think logics doing...
  20. Mr.Therapy Man

    Cloning expert needed PLEASE

    Its real simple ,your trying to make it harder than it is.Only spray your plants three times a day and keep the bottom wet,keep your humidity high by adding a heat mat and keep your temps in the 70s and they will root in under ten days