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  1. shhprettywords

    Question :p

    lol thats so funny what do you call it then? and thanks again.. you helped a lot :)
  2. shhprettywords

    Question :p

    THANKS !! it was a guy i know .. not a friend , but someone trustworthy you know. Anyways he asked what kind of weed i wanted too. like i know regs are the cheapest ones and then theres cryp but idk anything else dihskfguhkg and yea he was just like .. do you wanna dime a blah blah or a blah...
  3. shhprettywords

    Question :p

    HEY, i feel like such a loser for asking but .. Let me first say that i am not new to smoking , i've been doing it for years now; only i never bought it myself . I usually just have friends that i'd give money to and we'd split it or id just get it for free. Anyways , this past weekend i went...