Question :p


Active Member
HEY, i feel like such a loser for asking but ..
Let me first say that i am not new to smoking , i've been doing it for years now; only i never bought it myself . I usually just have friends that i'd give money to and we'd split it or id just get it for free. Anyways , this past weekend i went with someone whos never smoked before so i wanted to buy a lot of weed and I thought it would be a lot easier. I just thought if i gave the guy a lot of money he'd give me a lot of weed , but he asked me a bunch of questions and made me look really dumb. I dont know how to do the measurements and how much it would cost for that amount or w.e and all the lingo in order to buy it.

sry for boring you with my story
but pls help for future buys lol :)

1/8th = 3.5 grams $20-$50 depending on quality
1/4 = 7 grams $30-$100 depending
1/2 = 14 grams $45- $200
An Ounce = 28 grams $90- $350

Indica = sleepy dopey type of stone
Sativa = up happy giggly head high

Anything else he asked?
What he said except anticipate more on the upper end of that scale. If you were getting it from a grower or a real good friend, you could expect the low end. But, I'd almost be willing to bet if you're getting it from just some guy...that you'll be paying around 50-60$ an eighth...90-120 a quarter. 170-200 a half and 300-450 an ounce. Street prices are wack.
Oh, and just a little tip...I can almost guarantee you can talk whatever price down by atleast 5$. If they ask for 55 an eigth. Look at it, and tell em you'll only pay 50 for it. They want business:P

it was a guy i know .. not a friend , but someone trustworthy you know.
Anyways he asked what kind of weed i wanted too.
like i know regs are the cheapest ones and then theres cryp but idk anything else dihskfguhkg

and yea he was just like .. do you wanna dime a blah blah or a blah blah?
once again i smoke but im not an expert on any of that stuff.
and its embarrasing :/
Haha. As soon as you said, "Cryp" I looked up to see where your location was. Because I knew you had to be from florida. That's the only place they call it that.

But yeah...the prices I mentioned would be for the "Cryp" as you call it. Regs would be cheaper. I would just ask him for an eighth of his best shit. And don't pay more than 60.
damn well in ri its like this

regs , hmmm prob like 70 a zip ( oz , ounce )

mids , middys , mid grade around 100-120 a zip

hydro , dro , droskee , 220-240 a zip

haze - 420-450

so its pretty much like regs shitty , mids decent , dro good , haze or kush whatever, is the best around
but if you know growers itd be cheaper unless they dont sell it for cheaper than whats its worth so they can move the shit with the ease but hey its whatever growers do you :D
I'm from the panhandle & just joined. It's interesting that you're from Miami & the Miami Herald is having a live poll on their website to vote for legalizing Marijuana. Here's the link if you want to read their fantastic article & to vote on their poll. I just looked & it's 94% for legalization. How bout that? p.s. I think cryp is Krypto. I think it means "secret" in Greek. Or, it could be short for Kryptonite, cause it'll knock Superman on his **S. Haha. Nice to meet you. Here's the link. Good luck. :mrgreen:

Crist wants to maintain drug penalties - 03/15/2008 -