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  1. Shackleford.R

    Plantz' First Grow- Indoor Bagseed

    saw a link for your grow at the bottom of d-dub's journal, what were the odds he'd be posting here. plants look good. like the grow. so are you flowering through with CFL or a HPS on the way?
  2. Shackleford.R

    DopeWears Outdoor Late Start...

    i dig the strains, especially the purple pineberry. my brother talks big game about the moist towel method. i personally happened to have a germination tray with with the pods and lid and the whole she-bang-a-bang, i used it for my vegetable garden, and then curiosity led to my current grow...
  3. Shackleford.R

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    um... duh! haha! im just playing man. that sounds like a badass idea, things will probably start exploding after that. i'll be excited to see the ladies in a couple days after that!
  4. Shackleford.R

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    thank god i know you're talking about growing pot. they look good to me sir. i would give my left nut to have flowering start tomorrow morning. this is the time in the plants life where you let it do the work. during veg you have to care for it, lst, water, nutes, check on it all the time. now...
  5. Shackleford.R

    FIRST GROW DONE RIGHT pics pics pics

    those kids are a little young for nutes to begin with. are you starting out at 1/4-1/2 strength or did you dive right in? if you feel you're having problems, i would opt to cut the nutes and go with purified bottled spring water for a few days ( 3 days minimum ) make sure to pH the water first...
  6. Shackleford.R

    DopeWears Outdoor Late Start...

    i'm sure you've done your reading dub, be careful transplanting indoor to outdoor. its not straight into the plot they go, they need an adjusting period in pots. full shade for a bit, part shade for a bit, full sun for a bit, finally in the ground. of course i have NO experience in this...
  7. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    Very funny d-dub! the sad truth is, i've read all of that. just too damn anxious i guess. after reading that in the grow faq and reading it here now. i've decided i have a few more days before preflower. The areas at the nodes that i'm looking at have some sort of bumps developing. But! nothing...
  8. Shackleford.R

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    everything i hear, CONSTANTLY! "don't forget most strains triple in size during flower" if i had to take a shot in the dark, 0.5-1 grams per bud site. but what the hell do i know, i'm as green as you are to all of this... pun intended i suppose. good photo fuckupdate by the way.
  9. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    thank you gypsy! as usual timely advice. I'd red you up all night and day if i could. haha. I see the green point of growth at the node (i'm sure you know what i'm referring to) the green leafy/stemmy bit below where the preflower emerges, and i'm not confusing that for the pre flowers, but i...
  10. Shackleford.R

    Mini-Fridge Stealth Grow (First Timer)

    Anytime homie!! It's a beautiful box. I had some thoughts about your heat issue. Have you considered keeping on with the standard fans, BUT maybe kicking it up to the larger style PC fans?? I saw some at the at the electronics store that were nearly 6 inches in diameter (hope you're growing...
  11. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    Well the weekend is drawing to a close. I added the 125 W 2700 k hood on Friday, and cut back a few CFL's. No more Y-splitters instead I have cut back to only aux CFL bulbs. To give the plants a little more spectral range, 2-2700 k and 2-6500 k. Also I went against a few of my instincts and...
  12. Shackleford.R

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    hmm.. i hate to ask this but uh... mind doing a little photo shoot rundown of your case? i'd appreciate it. i'm considering if i dont go pc case then a metal locker possibly.
  13. Shackleford.R

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    i'm working on my pc case... well planning it really, and the one variable i can't figure out is light leaks. how do you keep light from leaking in and out of the fans?
  14. Shackleford.R

    Fem BLUEberry, Big Bud & Mystery girls--> White-Wrapped Hydro-Rockwool LST'ed, SCROG!

    ive got something to discuss... bit of a bone to pick i must say... what is this super cropping you speak of, hear it often but don't get it.
  15. Shackleford.R

    FIRST GROW DONE RIGHT pics pics pics

    hello my fellow lone star grower! this grow looks pretty cool. did you go with all feminized seed? i'm gonna have to agree with whoever it was, that MH light is WAY overkill for starting out the kids. i would recommend starting under CFL. (then again i'm also a CFL grower and have nothing bad to...
  16. Shackleford.R

    Fem BLUEberry, Big Bud & Mystery girls--> White-Wrapped Hydro-Rockwool LST'ed, SCROG!

    kitties! kitties! kitties! don't make me chant again.
  17. Shackleford.R

    First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!

    WELL PUT! Damn well put protastic. I've learned the same thing, I watched a "how to" grow video on youtube. VERY informative, I put some of his principles into practice and my plants began to die! There's no better way of phrasing it, let the plant tell you what it needs, it always will...
  18. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    intriguing! that first piece on H2O2 i think i have the same hydro mag. i read it on my trip a couple weeks ago haha. free literature at the hydro store = awesome!
  19. Shackleford.R

    Waterfarm Closet Grow [PICS]

    You know D-Dub sometimes I wonder whether I should laugh along, or send you a digital/virtual/interwebz smack on the back of the head. I'm going to opt for the laughter simply because we BOTH know you fuck up way more often than I do. :hump: giggity! On a different note, I'm planning my next...
  20. Shackleford.R

    First Time PC Case Grow Random Bagseed

    100th post! Those are some cute pistils you have there my friend. How long would you say it took for the pistils to show after you made the 12/12 switch?