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  1. P

    Should I plant the seed?

    My seeds are germinating rather slowly, they have been in water for around 5 days now and the shoot is only around 1/8" long, and has stayed this long for two days. Should I plant now or should I keep it in water and let the shoot grow longer? If I leave the seed in water for any longer will it die?
  2. P

    New Zealand Outdoor Grow 2012/2013

    Just thought i would join the conversation, im in the big city (of nz) and growing outdoors here is possible but very hard. just a question, what will our cops do if they find u with 1 plant? do they really give a crap? good luck to ur plants as well
  3. P

    late outdoor new zealand, holy smoke landraces

    Hey bro im in NZ too, is it too late to plant indica in our climate right now? really nice looking plants btw
  4. P

    Black tip on sprouted seed

    The sprout is only about 1/8 inch long though, is it fine to place it directly in the medium?
  5. P

    Black tip on sprouted seed

    Thanks for the info man
  6. P

    Black tip on sprouted seed

    Also how fragile is it exactly? Will touchinf it kill it?
  7. P

    how does she look?

    She is beautiful man, good work!
  8. P

    Black tip on sprouted seed

    I gerned a nl seed in moist tissue, its being in there for 3 days and i notice a shoot has formed, but there is a small black/brown tip on it. Is it ok?
  9. P

    Is it too late to grow in the Southern Hemisphere?

    Thanks for the info man, I guess I'll risk it and grow outdoors. I'm not really worried about the cops I doubt they'll give a crap I'm just afraid that some high school stoners might wander into the bushes and rip my plant. I would love to see those pictures btw
  10. P

    Is it too late to grow in the Southern Hemisphere?

    It will be able to get around 6 hours of direct sunlight everyday, I know another place where it will receive sunlight all day long, but there is a higher chance of getting spotted there. Is 6 hours enough, or should I take some risks and plant it in the other place?
  11. P

    Is it too late to grow in the Southern Hemisphere?

    I just recieved my Northern light seeds, is it too late to plant outdoors in the southern hemisphere to get bud? The temperature is around 15-24 every day.
  12. P

    Too late to grow in southern hemisphere?

    replies:0 views:135 :(
  13. P

    Too late to grow in southern hemisphere?

    I ordered my seeds from nirvanashop 3 weeks ago, they still haven't arrived probably due to holiday shipping delays. I'm expecting them to arrive at late/ jan/early feb. I'm growing outdoors, so there will only be 1 month of vegetative growth before 12/12. Will 1 month be enough if I'm growing...
  14. P

    ordering seeds fron sea of seeds

    1-2 weeks approx
  15. P

    Noob questions

    Thanks man, i feel so dumb
  16. P

    Noob questions

    so ive been reading about "leaf sets" and "fans leaves", can someone please explain to me what they are? sorry if the questions are annoying, im still a noob
  17. P

    Can normal people recognize a plant?

    Thanks for the info man, I'll try find that thread Thanks to all the other people too!
  18. P

    Can normal people recognize a plant?

    True, that's good logic. However, do you think that if i grow the weed among several other similar height plants, but still visible to houses, will people notice?
  19. P

    Can normal people recognize a plant?

    I plan on guerrilla growing in a very suburban area, there is almost no spot with sunlight that is not visible to houses. I could grow in my backyard, but my neighbor's window is in sight 20 feet away. My question is, can normal people who are not associated with weed recognize a plant when they...
  20. P

    bro im in auckland [email protected]

    bro im in auckland [email protected]