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  1. DR growgood

    Lost roughly 2 oz today....

    it sounds to me u had an underlining problem before last night. Are u sure u were burping the jars properly
  2. DR growgood

    what do you think?

    that is of corse if every thing goes perfect with the right nute's and a perfect bill of health it is a reachable goal and experince has alot to do with it aswell so even if u get 2 o's you should be happy. yeild's come with experince
  3. DR growgood

    ?'s About L.E.D's - Better then 400w?

    absulutly not led's suck ass i know two people who bought them and thay suck and they couldnt even sell after they bought them becuse no one buys them dont waste ur time
  4. DR growgood

    what do you think?

    i would say with what u have there and all goes well with a 10 week flower period there potential for 3 onces
  5. DR growgood

    how much more vertical growth can i expect?

    i find that they allways streach for the first 3 weeks of flower after that they shouldnt grow any more i dont know what there talking about but they will most certaity grow right into the light so my advice to you is to move the light up nice and high becuse ur only gonna be gone for a few days...
  6. DR growgood

    should i change my bulbs I need your opinions

    ya all 4 of mine have about 7-8 grows on them now so i think im gonna change them
  7. DR growgood

    need opion on a cooltube !!!!

    yes i agree the parabolic hoods are way to go i think im going to save my money and invest in the parabloic hoods
  8. DR growgood

    should i change my bulbs I need your opinions

    when should u change ur bulbs. i have 2 400 watt lights and i run 2 m/h conversions and 2 hps bulbs ive read that u should not wait till they burn out becuse they lose lumens after a while but how long should u use them before they become a waste of energy ive been growing with these for about 2...
  9. DR growgood

    need opion on a cooltube !!!!

    ya thats what im thinking there is alot of wasted light.
  10. DR growgood

    need opion on a cooltube !!!!

    are cooltubes worth haveing . i know they work well for keeping the heat down but how much light do u lose becuse of the glass i was thinking about making my own i have 2 400 watters but im not sure if it is worth losing the lumens as it is only 84 degrees in my room now with out them.seems to...
  11. DR growgood

    1 gram per watt

    oh and thats 2 plants under each 400 watt light to by the way
  12. DR growgood

    1 gram per watt

    ya i get 4 o's a plant under a 400 watt hps. i vegg them for about 1 mounth from clone and flower like 9-10 weeks and i get between 4-6 ounces
  13. DR growgood

    Bulbs ?

    ya i have a hps ballest too i use a conversion buld i was just looking to see if there were better quility one's out there like more rated hours and what one has the highest lumens and stuff i know the basics mh for veg and hps for flower 12/12 but i was looking for more advanced info is all
  14. DR growgood

    Bulbs ?

    i am currently using venture-lux 400 watt mh/hps bulbs i am ready to buy new bulbs what in ur opinion is the best brand, model and the best bang for the $ im looking for 400 watt mh and 400 watt hps bulbs. also i am having a hard time understand exactly what it is i should look for is it the...
  15. DR growgood

    The official marijuana world records

    how about these 4 plant grow 2 Ibs total dry waight indoor under 2 400 watt mh/hps the pepsi can bud was almost a 4oz bud
  16. DR growgood

    why are my leaves curling (PIC'S)

    what would couse the leaves to curl up like this any info would be great they are 3 weeks old and i have them on 1/4 strengh gh nute's i dont think its the temps im thinking its a nute problem from what i diagnosed its likely to be from b (boric acid) but im not sure. spec's strain-g-13...
  17. DR growgood

    attitude seeds ????

    yup attitude is dope i ordered from them 4 times and all came all sprouted and all have done very well my only suggestion is if ur gonna order them atleast spend the extra $ and make them femanized no since going through all this to not have them all femed
  18. DR growgood

    when can i start nutrients???

    when can i start feeding my sprouts nutrients there on there second node now im thinking 3 nodes but im not sure.
  19. DR growgood

    Need some advice

    and no the fans are not on im using them to rest the lights on
  20. DR growgood

    Need some advice

    do u think my new sprouts are health reason i ask is ive never done them from seed before ive always done clones but i have moved to a new location so i had to start all over they are barnys farm g-13 they are about 4-5 days old