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  1. Drgreenz

    Gun Slayings

    lol ok so lets count the knife deaths and ban those. or the fat deaths and ban Mc Donalds
  2. Drgreenz

    Gun Slayings

    not legally the bill of rights (1st 10 amendments) is suppose to be unchanging. and for your 31,000 deaths in 05. according to statistics, 56% of all US gun deaths were suicide so they are null that leaves you with only 13,640 not 31,000 please try to at least use truthfull statistics. so of...
  3. Drgreenz

    OH shit, gun control law discussions have hit the news.....

    no it doesn't here is a quote from the canadian criminologist Gary Mauser. * Canada: After enacting stringent gun control laws in 1991 and 1995, Canada has not made its citizens any safer. "The contrast between the criminal violence rates in the United States and in Canada is dramatic," says...
  4. Drgreenz

    thinking about gettin a gun? ask me anything

    nice the pachmayrs are sweet feeling.
  5. Drgreenz

    OH shit, gun control law discussions have hit the news.....

    lol dutch weren't you just rebuked about this subject? Guns kill? ok so then knives kill, food kills, dogs kill, cars kill, prescription drugs kill, where does it stop. An yea gun control doesn't work, never has , never will. Mediman I feel sorry to hear your in a registration state, that...
  6. Drgreenz

    thinking about gettin a gun? ask me anything

    yea the 66 is a beauty. Should look at getting a hogue grip for it those make the feel about as comfortable as you can get. I went and got my wife a 642 with the crimson trace grip for her to carry.
  7. Drgreenz

    thinking about gettin a gun? ask me anything

    Well, as the title says I am a bit of a gun expert, I've been competition shooting since age 6, and have worked in the firearms industry since i can remember(including military experience). So, if you have any questions about guns, specific guns for specific puroses, gun laws, gun...
  8. Drgreenz

    Fdd's New Contest

    satallites dont just track your head, THEY GET YOUR SHOULDERS TOO!!! lol ty
  9. Drgreenz

    Aquarium Grow

    yes my friend has a 1/4 inch foam cover which floats on his aquarium and puts his net pots into the foam and they do great, i think the waste as well as the constant movement and cleaning of the roots by the fish help the plants.
  10. Drgreenz

    Marijuana and Bi-Polar disorder

    my bro in law has manic bipolar and bud calms his dumbass right down. he even passes as normal while he is baked lol. i think it more depends on each individual person.
  11. Drgreenz

    Gun Slayings

    yup i have put my name on thousands of 4473's(if you haven't guessed it by now I sell guns) and question four is "have you ever been discharged from the armed services under dishonorable conditions?" so how did gun laws help us there? they didnt, gun laws create crime, they do not deter it.
  12. Drgreenz

    Is it Possible to Bury your seedling to deep?

    i usually do between my first and second joint of my index finger.
  13. Drgreenz

    Is it Possible to Bury your seedling to deep?

    wait a few days, they will eventually find their way up so long as they arent rediculously deep.
  14. Drgreenz

    Gun Slayings

    nope, they are 2 different sizes. a 12 is much bigger/more potent. a 20guage is a great size for almost anything though. When i hunt deer in a shotgun only are i only use a 20g slug cuase they have more than enough power and are more accurate at distance(100-150m tops for a slug). for home...
  15. Drgreenz

    anyone done this alot?

    damn... nice
  16. Drgreenz

    Cfl lumens?

    nah, i use 4 200w cfl's for 5 plants. 2 true blue full spectrum and 2 6500k, i make my own reflectors but in a 2.5x2.5 area i have had great success
  17. Drgreenz

    anyone done this alot?

    yea i know all about guerilla growing, i was more wondering about the actual limits of plant size outdoors(can i get 2lb per plant outside of magical kush county cali?)
  18. Drgreenz

    Gun Slayings

    the gun clubs have to keep the guns though, they are not allowed in civilian hands for real. and for farmers/hunters, its a .22 or a 20guage shotgun and thats about it.
  19. Drgreenz

    Gun Slayings

    the really bad thing is if you take away just the black on black crime and latino on latino crime the us would be near the bottem. Also just take away the nonviolent drug possesion crime and the same thing happens. we jail everyone not just criminals. also, outside of NY, cali, DC, and mass(all...
  20. Drgreenz

    Really tall plants?

    yea they are stretching for the light, get a socket spliter($1.25 at walmart) and put 2 200w cfl's($6.00) thats what i would do anywho