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  1. tamjam69

    Microgrow - short plants w/ many small leaves - not enough room?

    5 weeks veg in that space? your gonna run in to problems!!!! i would advise anyone to go 12/12 from seed in that size box dude. they would have showed sex at around 3 weeks going 12/12 from seed and would stay contained well but i can see 2 weeks after you switch to 12/12 they will be too big...
  2. tamjam69

    Gumballs CMH Powered PC

    hey gumball hows everything going? ive finally got some internet now so feeling back to normal :) how come no new pics mate? how did the little one recover from your acidic water? hope they are all good. good to be back :)
  3. tamjam69

    Reveg's and seedplants, 6 strains and more to come

    both harvest i have had from her both gave me over a dry ounce of prime bud :) the second time i flowered her she finished alot faster then the original flowering. her stem around the base is getting very wide and solid. I need to hunt for more pics of her but i dont think i took many before i...
  4. tamjam69

    Reveg's and seedplants, 6 strains and more to come

    Heres a quick post introducing the main re-veg that is now going for her second reveg/ 3rd harvest :) As im a lazy stoner this has been copied and pasted from my last thread lol first up i will start with some pics of the original seedplant, this was the last plant to get the chop out of the...
  5. tamjam69

    Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots.

    Oh yeah i forgot, how are you finding the westlands so far without adding anything to it? and did you end up getting the same stuff as i did? loving the way your watering them girls
  6. tamjam69

    Got RMH Beans!!! Purple Rain and Isis multy strain grow.

    wow bigman have i misseds alot on here!!! everythings moving on very swiftly for you :) looks like your gonna get loads of great harvests from your setup and pretty often by the looks of things. man am i happy to be back here
  7. tamjam69

    Reveg's and seedplants, 6 strains and more to come

    hey scarhole, i smoked some northern lights years ago i can sort of remember it. give it another 9-10 weeks and i shall remember it well :) never smoked any kush strains so looking forward to that, i also grew ak48 on my first grow and loved it. cheers for the goodluck good to see you...
  8. tamjam69

    Shrigpieces 4 Plant Top Dawg Grow!

    finally got some broadband shrig :) im hoping your gonna finish this grow on here as it would be great, your last journal looked good. good luck with the house sale. look forward to some updates dude
  9. tamjam69

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w new journal :)
  10. tamjam69

    Reveg's and seedplants, 6 strains and more to come

    hello RIU finally got round to getting my new journal up and running, gonna have lots of new strains and stuff changing here and there and just gonna keep this journal running for aslong as i can :) I have two re-vegd plants on the go and will be staying with a few more re-vegs in the future, i...
  11. tamjam69

    Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots.

    Hey MS im back dude, everythings sure looking good at your end, love the way you have gone back to using some old teqniques and it looks like its paying off :) Im wondering if you have any ideas of the N-P-K of the mix your using? i expect it varies alot but maybe on the net somewhere you...
  12. tamjam69

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w

    Hello everyone :) im back at long last, the broadband is set to be on the 9th got my new router set up just gotta wait for the go live time :) but in the meantime and what i should have done along time ago is went out and bought a £20 mobile dongle with a free £10 top up so i can atleast browse...
  13. tamjam69

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w

    hey organic yeah the trainwreck is some great stuff, and will sure be growing it again soon :) them yields were all dry wieght was very happy with the results :)
  14. tamjam69

    Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots.

    hi there mate, snowwhite is looking good there. just a quick hello from the damn iphone again!! slow as hell :-( my broadband is all set to be up n running on the 3rd!! its killing me not being able to browse RIU for hours everyday. And i cant wait to get a new journal going as soon as i can :)...
  15. tamjam69

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w

    hey ms glad you liked it :) at the moment im commenting on my mates iphone which takes about 5minutes to load a page which is far from ideal!! my Broadband may take til the 3rd of september to work :( they told us there would be no break and that it would switch straight over. im really missing...
  16. tamjam69

    Shrigpieces 4 Plant Top Dawg Grow!

    hey shrig :) good to see you with a journal up and running. hopefully my broadband will be running soon then i can get browsing riu properly, at the minute im just using my mates iphone which isnt ideal!!! Im guessing that your gonna re-pot so could i suggest you getting some westlands...
  17. tamjam69

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w

    hey manical cheers dude, i will check out your grow when i get my broadband up n running again, I have gone to see my parents house to go on their pc :) thats how im here now. bad news as i dont think its going to be working for atleast 10 days :( man im lost without my broadband!! life just...
  18. tamjam69

    Ghs trainwreck & bigbang grow 250w

    hey everyone my broadband isnt working as im switching providers so its off for a few days or as soon as they get it working, sent this on my mates iphone. c u all soon :)
  19. tamjam69

    Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots.

    hey just spotted you got a p&m lighter :) i got one aswell lol
  20. tamjam69

    Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots.

    no thats the wrong stuff mate, this is the stuff im using i got it from B&Q both times but only ever saw about 5 there at a time they never had a massive pallet load. Im sure most garden centers will stock it :) congrats on the new beans and the snowwhite is looking good :) look forward to...