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  1. t@intshredder

    Friends on crank

    Stranger things have happened. Remember the dude who tried to lose weight with coke? ;)
  2. t@intshredder

    Hi guys! I think I'm an addict!

    Are you some sort of "better than human" alien or robot ...or just some kind of prick who's obviously never been addicted to anything in his life? :lol:
  3. t@intshredder

    i wanna get :peace:
  4. t@intshredder

    I've taken to calling marijuana popcorn when I need to talk in "code"

    My codeword for weed is "meth". I'm terrible at coming up with codewords. :peace:
  5. t@intshredder

    How many infractions does it take to get banned?

    I like where this thread is going. ;)
  6. t@intshredder

    Very Serious Business Proposition

    Epic moment of clarity fail. :bigjoint:
  7. t@intshredder

    Very Serious Business Proposition

    Come to think of it - I would rather take my hard earned (maybe you've heard of "work" but it doesn't sound like it) money, fly to a strangers house, blow him, have him blow me, fly home and tell my lady about said hot man-on-man action; than to give you a dime for your "Very Serious Business...
  8. t@intshredder

    my first confrontation with my parents!

    Good Lordy - I could fit a baseball bat in that pupil. I'll have whatever he's having! :bigjoint:
  9. t@intshredder

    Whattup, my homey??? How goes the Warcraft battles? You hustlin' out there?

    Whattup, my homey??? How goes the Warcraft battles? You hustlin' out there?
  10. t@intshredder

    Very Serious Business Proposition

    Relax, bro! I'm as nervous as you are that I might not get my money back on time. I'm sure His Majesty, Dr. Yayi Iboni, Ruler of the Benin Republic is just a very busy man. Just for being such a good sport, I'll be sure to buy you not 1, but 2 400w lights for your op. ;-)
  11. t@intshredder

    my first confrontation with my parents!

    Ah ...what I'd do to be 13 again. :mrgreen:
  12. t@intshredder

    Very Serious Business Proposition

    Sorry. I just gave all of my money to His Majesty, Dr. Yayi Iboni, Ruler of the Benin Republic. He emailed me with an incredible business proposition that entailed me giving him $50,000 and my bank account information in exchange for $535,000 to be deposited back into my account within the...
  13. t@intshredder

    crazy colored bud.....good or bad?this shit is crazy youve never seen anythin like it

    It looks like mold to me and they look long dead. Sorry, bro. :(
  14. t@intshredder

    Rollitup better then Grasscity?

    I have been lurking on GC for as long as I've been posting on RIU. From what I can gather, GC is analogous to grade school and RIU is an ivy league college. The moderation on GC is a joke. They seemingly have over 20 different mods, none of whom actually enforce any of the rules. The 5 or so...
  15. t@intshredder

    Squeaky Grinder

    Soak it in some 91% rubbing alcohol and some coarse salt. Shake it up and rinse it out. Good luck! :peace:
  16. t@intshredder

    WHo here loves the governmnet?????

    Hahaha. :clap: Super Señor:
  17. t@intshredder

    WHo here loves the governmnet?????

    I was pretty high during the entirety of my senior year, so I must have missed something - what the hell is a "super senior"? :lol:
  18. t@intshredder

    WTF?! Where are the mods?!

    Yeah ...I can see that. "Whaaaa!!! My thread got deleted!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:" = Losing your life in a gas chamber. Very sound logic there. :peace:
  19. t@intshredder

    WTF?! Where are the mods?!

    I really hope that the members with Holocaust-related avatars aren't trying to equate the moderation of this site to the atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany. That would be both ignorant and disgusting all in one fell swoop. I guess more pathetic than anything ... :peace:
  20. t@intshredder

    Need help stat

    You need to shave your balls then dunk them in milk. ;)