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  1. t@intshredder

    Where To Look For Sex ?

    Try truckstops ...;) But seriously - you'll want to look where the branches join the main stem. But double seriously - truckstops. :peace:
  2. t@intshredder

    lizard name

    Jan-Michael Vincent. ;)
  3. t@intshredder

    Swine Flu

    Swine flu sounds delicious. ;)
  4. t@intshredder

    Can cops subpoena this sites member’s Ip Addresses’?

    Rollitup Bin Laden. :lol:
  5. t@intshredder

    whats a medium?

    It's a show on NBC with Patricia Arquette. I've never watched it but have heard decent things about it. ;)
  6. t@intshredder

    +Rep, Hows it work?

    Here's how it works: +Rep to you for asking a good question. ;)
  7. t@intshredder

    Get paid at home...anyone ever made money doing any of these

    Summer's almost over ...then it's back to school for you and you're friends! :lol: Did mommy take you out to buy a new Trapper Keeper this year? I heard backpacks and crayons are on sale everywhere now. ;)
  8. t@intshredder

    Get paid at home...anyone ever made money doing any of these

    You're replying to spam and I'm the idiot? I heard spam can make your d*ck bigger, too. :lol: :clap: Good luck, bro. :peace:
  9. t@intshredder

    Get paid at home...anyone ever made money doing any of these

    That was useful info - good luck to you if you start replying to SPAM messages in hopes of making some loot. I hope you make millions. :mrgreen:
  10. t@intshredder

    ppm of tap water

    You can blow yourself and you're complaining about the price of an RO filter? :lol: You should be ROLLING in cash, bro! :mrgreen:
  11. t@intshredder

    Get paid at home...anyone ever made money doing any of these

    Those emails are called SPAM. You should look into better filtering software. :peace:
  12. t@intshredder

    Would you buy The R.I.U. Magazine?

    "Mysticlown's Advice on How to NOT Get Laid" or "Mysticlown's This Week in Warcraft". :lol:
  13. t@intshredder

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Sorry guys ...what I meant to say was that UB is a proponent of progressive harvesting. I don't think he actually has any threads on the subject. He's a really nice guy so I'm sure if you sent him a PM or 2 asking for his advice, he'd help you out. Good luck! :peace:
  14. t@intshredder

    Crossing a Path Once Crossed

    Can a mod please move this to the Politics thread with the rest of the tin foil hat nonsense? Thanks! :peace:
  15. t@intshredder

    ppm of tap water

    It doesn't matter whether or not your water contains the nutrients the plants use. Plants can get nutrient burn from over exposure to any mineral. :peace:
  16. t@intshredder

    overgrow with pigeons?

    Because you stole the op's idea for a thread, and copied it to the General Marijuana Growing forum which has twice as much foot traffic than Toke n' Talk does. :lol: You've done this same thing in the past to other threads. You're nothing but a thread thief, bro. Plain and simple. :clap:
  17. t@intshredder

    Why lumens don't mean anything to plants.

    Haha ...that's gold, brother. You don't even grow! :lol: :clap:
  18. t@intshredder

    how to trim

    Don't listen to your brother. You need the fan leaves to aid in bud growth. :peace:
  19. t@intshredder

    ppm of tap water

    How are you going to water your younger plants? That water's too hot for the young ones. :peace:
  20. t@intshredder

    ppm of tap water

    Maybe invest in a cheap ro. :peace: