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  1. growtosmoke

    2 late 2 LST???

    Right they are pretty resilient:bigjoint::bigjoint: plants.....I've beat the shit out of mine and they still give me nice buds. :peace:
  2. growtosmoke

    Power strip cfl fixture - need help! How to hang?

    naa man I'm very familiar with those what I was talking about was the thing that actully plugs in to the 3 prong socket that is a bulb socket.....Can't find those and not sure what they are called?? I use the splitters regularly.... :peace:
  3. growtosmoke

    2 late 2 LST???

    I'm about 2 weeks from flower and have been trying to figure a way to do this..... I'll let you know how it works out
  4. growtosmoke

    2 late 2 LST???

    nice method man I'm going to give that a try! :peace:
  5. growtosmoke

    first tme grow with 250WCFL

    What size grow space are you guys using? I am thinking of getting 2 of the 250w hydrofarm for a 42Lx28Wx70H. I am currently doing 10 plants with 20 CFL's and it's a pain in the ass and would like to switch over to the larger. think that would be enough to light that space?
  6. growtosmoke

    Power strip cfl fixture - need help! How to hang?

    I personally don't use a reflector............maybe I should however........Those fixtures are sweet! I've been using clamp lights and using a splitter or two on each fixture but I really like what you guys have there. What are the plugs called for the socket for the bulb?? I haven't seen them...
  7. growtosmoke

    Aerogarden Hood Grow

    humm doesn't look much like a aero garden but it is a kinda cool set up.
  8. growtosmoke

    2nd CFL grow Grow Journal

    Guy Everything and I mean EVERYTHING here that you see I have bought at the local Home Depot, Lowes, or Ace. The light socket splitters are about 4.00 ea USD. Have fun Good luck :peace: :bigjoint:
  9. growtosmoke

    7 Weeks Veg What do you think?

    I'll have to say the first grow I was very antsy but now I can wait for the stuff. I'm not sure how long it would take to get bud if I went from seed and did 12/12 but I think I will let the plant veg about a week longer as I'm leaving for a long weekend and don't want the to be stressed right...
  10. growtosmoke

    7 Weeks Veg What do you think?

    i expect they will about double in size if that. It's about what happened in my last grow....
  11. growtosmoke

    7 Weeks Veg What do you think?

    So I've had these vegging for about 7 weeks now in MG moisture control soil. I've had pretty good luck I would say. I've got most of the plants in 1 gal pots and have topped them in the last week or two. I'm using aprox 20ish CFL's and have good venting. Temp in the closets reaches a max of 75...
  12. growtosmoke

    2nd CFL grow Grow Journal

    About a week from flowering I believe here are the new pics. Some have a little nute burn from over watering (damn MG soil) oh well all and all I think they look pretty good for vegging for about 7 weeks.
  13. growtosmoke

    2nd CFL grow Grow Journal

    Grow seems to be going really well. No issues thus far. The plants seem to have a lil nute burn but nothing to bad. I think i finally have the watering pretty much down. I'm going to wait till the new chutes start on the couple of plants I just topped before I flower. I think I have 10 plants at...
  14. growtosmoke

    Yet another male or female?

    those look nice man, shit luck on the HermiI was lucky enough not to run into that last time hopefully this grow as well! Pull that hermi and keep going :) :peace:
  15. growtosmoke

    Lights on way too long.

    Fair enough just throwing in my 2 cents :weed::weed::hump:
  16. growtosmoke

    Lights on way too long.

    This is a pretty good post about light cycles I think that 24 is to much (IMO). I think that the plants like any other living thing need time to rest. Check out the post
  17. growtosmoke

    Yet another male or female?

    Yeah I'm just not seeing any white hairs that I look for in my plants. I can see the sacs on the first but not thing for sex on the others. I imagine in a few days it will show but to early for me to tell. :peace:
  18. growtosmoke

    she's die'n! on me i think plz help me

    Pics are always best!! Hard to diagnois something you can't see :)
  19. growtosmoke

    I'm so's back to the bean

    Hey guys not to be Debbie Downer but I thought there was a high risk of getting a hermi if you used fem'd seeds?? :peace:
  20. growtosmoke

    Yet another male or female?

    yeah I'm not sure how you guys can tell the others are females???? I can def see that the plant in 1-3 is male but the other seem to soon to tell. What are the rest of you looking at that make you certain it's a female?