Search results

  1. timsatx1

    Rec'd Nearly done PLANTS Need help about to harvest! Pics

    man those are some little beast.
  2. timsatx1

    Hello First Time Smoker Just Learning

    what ever happened to that guy?
  3. timsatx1

    Sun Visor For Car (I think thats what its called?)

    its because we are able to enjoy life.:joint:
  4. timsatx1

    Will this get ne high? Poll

    thats nasty man. did you flush that plant before you killed it? nutes are im sure nasty
  5. timsatx1

    This is a bong idea/question..not about growing..sorry

    bro you got to much time on your hands.
  6. timsatx1

    male or female?

    ^^^ yeah what he said.
  7. timsatx1

    Molasses lowers PH

    ive never noticed mollasses lowering ph. i use it throught the entire grow with no problems. depending onb strain you will see noticalble difference in size of buds in the last few weeks.
  8. timsatx1

    im very upset with attitude

    sorry for your issues with them. ive heard good things from other members. though i have never used them pesonally.
  9. timsatx1

    600w hps, 17 plants, 8 strains, 1st grow

    looks like you got all your basis covered. subscribed.
  10. timsatx1

    I GUARANTEE this has NOT been asked :)

    ive heard this question many times over.:-?
  11. timsatx1

    opinions about me.

    man im the same way. i dont talk to no one on here regularly. just kinda kill time and learn and be entertained when i get off work you know?
  12. timsatx1

    dear rollitup experts

    [ Also buy a fucking camera if you are going to be asking stupid/ lazy questions so at least us who have put in the time reading, learning, growing can quickly help your lazy fat kid ass. im a have to agree with this statement:neutral:
  13. timsatx1

    opinions about me.

    fuck what people think about you. enjoy yourself here and stay high.:twisted:
  14. timsatx1

    opinions about me.

    i dont like you after this thread. just messin with you. i do like your avatar though.
  15. timsatx1

    first indo grow. super stealth

    what heppen to your thread?
  16. timsatx1

    dear rollitup experts

    do oyu want to half ass it or do it right? no one here can just tell you what you need to know. you must read and learn for yourself.
  17. timsatx1

    dear rollitup experts
  18. timsatx1

    my set up good/bad

    this method is over rated. good luck.
  19. timsatx1

    Good to be back

    welcome back.