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  1. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    Ummm. The smell is alot like the name, just pure chronic. Far as height goes I dont have official numbers for prob started flowering at like 2 ft. and they are maybe 4 now? And yeah if they continue to swell at this rate it is my new favorite strain :weed: followed veryyyyyyy closely by ak ;)
  2. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    hah no worries man, tell ur friends. This harvest is going to be BIG :weed:
  3. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    which one you mean by taller? I would assume yes but not sure what pic ur referring to.
  4. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    thanks dude. Umm im not sure what kind of camera I guess I can check, I know its nothing fantastic though, over 3 years old.
  5. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    thanks gnome! To be honest with you man. The only time I ever grew in soil was my first grow and I never would want to again. The only thing I would do is possibly toss those haze into that soil room I have and see what happens. As far as comparing hydro to soil id say hydro takes the cake in...
  6. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    haha thanks man. God I would sure hope I can pull that much. I mean like you see, they are even bigger in person and yeah very dense and girthy. So you still guess pound and a quarter dried weight in the end for all plants? Oh and yeah Im not sure on the exact size but 10x10 ft. is probably...
  7. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    Did you see the couple pics I tried to take of the whole room ;)
  8. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    Ok well its been about a week since our last update. We are going to give them about 2 more weeks of nutes, then its onto flush and harvest. It will be an early/mid April harvest for the chronic and ppp. I will be giving the mazar atleast 2 weeks longer. Tried taking a couple different type of...
  9. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    Done!!! haha
  10. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    going to take some pics tonight or tomorrow for an update, any requests or just cola shots? ;)
  11. ru8fru

    My Super Grow Room

    Depends on strain and flower times, and of course how long you want to veg for. Id say for a one month veg your look at like 3.5-4 months total depending on flowering times.
  12. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    second that shit!! hah man id be pissed as hell. And statik, we are about 45 days in? and ionic nutes buddy, good shit!
  13. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    the co2 has arrived!! im excited to see the results.
  14. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    yeah sure, im on my lunch break and about to head back to work but when I get home I will and definitely have them up by tonight. As you see the long room connects to the dirt room? well its sort like that on the opposite side. I always appreciate good ideas or any help ;)
  15. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    There are 3 rooms. the long one shown in the pictures. One with a dirt floor (I know right!!!!) that is shown in the pictures. And then obviously the room im in now, its around the same size as the dirt room but obviously I covered it in panda film. Basically the plan would be keeping that room...
  16. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    good shit. yeah its basically just powderized co2 that you dissolve in water and it emits co2 into the air for 8 hrs.
  17. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    thats just it, there is absolutely nothing but stagnant air downstairs. were talking 20ft. below ground lvl. Thats actually the main reason I wanted to get some co2 so that they would have more of that advantage. :weed:
  18. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    So I got another upgrade for my room. Will be adding co2 daily with some excellofizz I got. Anyone heard of this item? Hopefully it will do as great as ppl say adding co2 will, and increase my yield even more :D
  19. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    I think im going to just plan on make one res with water for the chronic and ppp and close off the mazar drip heads, then do one with nute water for the mazar and close the chronic and ppp drip heads. hopefully that should work.
  20. ru8fru

    PPP, Chronic, & Mazar 1st grow

    honestly I think the chronics will yield more, the are bigger and more compact. I wish I had the chance to cut my aks downs and weigh em but I dont have that data to compare. I think in the right environment chronic could outgrow ak, as far as potency goes though, im not so sure.