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  1. TheDankness

    Miracle Fruit

    Okay here's those pics I couldn't get to work. The new leaf is a light reddish color protruding from the top. Does anyone know if those spots on the lower leaves are from high ph? Miracle Fruit favors acidic soil and I don't want it to die, but to be honest I think most, if not all of those...
  2. TheDankness

    Miracle Fruit

    Its going good, I tried to take some pics but my camera wouldn't let me upload them. Its growing its first new leaf right now, its about a half inch long and a reddish color. Its definitely a slow grower, MJ in the same soil would be a foot tall already lol.
  3. TheDankness

    George Obama Arrested For Marijuana Possession

    Awwww damnit. When are pot smokers everywhere going to realize that we have to stand up for ourselves? What a pussy(pardon my language). Why doesn't he just say he uses it as a stress reliever and its good for joint pain, both of which are true? Its the only way we are ever going to gain the...
  4. TheDankness

    Miracle Fruit

    Hey that's where mine was shipped from! Boca Raton(spelling?) to be exact. You should buy a 5" like mine, it was only 30 bucks with shipping(most of the cost). It won't grow fruit for a good while, but I get the pride of it being grown by me from near start to finish.
  5. TheDankness

    Miracle Fruit

    On the top of my list of priorities. Also, mine is growing already, just got it about a week ago.:bigjoint:
  6. TheDankness

    what do uk - think of the u.s.

    I think in general the U.S. is a great place to live, I mean relative to every other country on the planet. We most definitely have some problems though. Short list of things that piss me off about the U.S.: -TRAFFIC(every other country in the world has mass transit figured out, why can't we?)...
  7. TheDankness

    George Obama Arrested For Marijuana Possession

    Isn't it amazing how many successful, and seemingly normal people smoke pot, and yet the government doesn't even pay attention to them. The government goes off of what they see on cops, or they still have a reel of Reefer Madness they use as proof of how lethal it is haha. Does anyone else feel...
  8. TheDankness

    wow bad day with clone(kinda funny)pics too

    Dude, I can barely understand what you're talking about. Do you not have a period button on your keyboard? Oh wait I see one in that mess now, you should push that button more often.
  9. TheDankness

    Take a look, she is sick!

    Word, sorry about it.
  10. TheDankness

    Take a look, she is sick!

    He's hand watering, that's what seems to be the problem.
  11. TheDankness


    So you have the original chem/dog cut? Hold on to that one man...
  12. TheDankness


    Really? I have never heard that one. I always thought it stood for original green, or just plain original.
  13. TheDankness


  14. TheDankness


    I find there to be a direct correlation between grammar and intelligence... dude was struggling there.
  15. TheDankness


    Why does everyone think I'm so angry? I just questioned some guy making claims on the internet. Are you guys saying all the info found on RIU is accurate? I beg to differ. Anyway there is no need for a hug, because there was no fight, just a conversation.
  16. TheDankness


    I am not trying to say that SoCal pot sucks, California in general has some of the best strains and outdoor growing conditions in the world. Some of those strains I will probably never have the privilege of trying. I will stick with my original comment though, whenever humbolt or mendo herb...
  17. TheDankness

    CFL cardboard box mini grow 4 diff strains!!!!!

    Dude you have bumped this thread soooo many times hahaha. Someone needs validation!:hug:
  18. TheDankness

    Take a look, she is sick!

    Wow I have to quote myself here and call myself an idiot. I totally assumed you were growing in soil. I don't even think lockout is possible in hydroton haha. I retract my advice and now I think I agree with the rest: watering issue. Hydroton pellets are meant to be used in hydro systems that...
  19. TheDankness


    How do you know about this guys experience? I think his info sounds kind of sketchy. But hey, I suppose its just a personal preference, if you like indica's rock the fuck out. I just like sativas because they're potent but you can still function.
  20. TheDankness


    Looks healthy bro, does it taste anything like Sour D? Sour D tastes like lemonheads.:clap: Well, REAL Sour D does anyhow...