I would also agree to up the N content or she's just gonna keep yellowing till eventually all your N has been sucked outta the fan leaves and budding will be slowed
still that's almost 3 months and ganja is a plant that eats the shit outta some food, I'm really not trying to argue with anyone I'm just trying to help so you don't have this problem again.. I have 1 ssh flowering right now and was running into yellowing that was starting to "pattern" just like...
actually fuck that, get 1 teaspoon of grow big in a gallon and when your lights come on, raise them up a little and then foliar feed them ladies. Make sure to spray the tops and bottoms of the leaves and when they dry lower your lights back down.. I would foliar feed like that every other day...
I know people are gonna say i'm crazy but I don't introduce flowering food until the 4th week of flowering. I wanted to see how the "whole" ff line was so I followed their feeding schedule down to a T and IMO it's wrong, they should tell you to keep the grow big goin for longer, if my memory...
Mine is a bbxnl cross which produces tons on small leaves during flowering, I had the exact same problem as you (in promix bx) and couldn't figure out wtf was going on, I was about to kill off the strain ( which i didn't want to) so I said fuck it and instead of using any flowering food I keep...
My theory is that there are pockets in your soil that are starving the roots of oxygen and when you run your water thru your pots it gets rid of these pockets.. I could be completely wrong but I know on the reason this is happening but I know how to fix it
Give em a good flush, and they will return to normal.. Once and a while when using promix this happens to me, I'm thinking it has something to do with getting oxygen to the roots but a good flush then feeding will straighten them right out..
lololol I just hope he can get some smokable weed from it, and as he stated the plant has been in the same soil for 7-8 months and I don't care how good the soil is, there is no way food will last that long. I DO agree that tb is some potent shit but I still stick to my theory that it's...
Not to bad, If you get the foxfarm start with 1 teaspoon per gallon and see how she reacts to it. Don't using anything besides grow big and you could always add some of their big bloom for good root development