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  1. DWR

    Blue Mystic, Early California & Ice

    ;) yeah wait :d :d:d:d:d
  2. DWR


    dont you guys think you shouldnt be talking about the locations and weed you can get.. just a thought i wouldnt do it. I wouldnt be like hey Down there you can get these clones and that and that.. and there you can get this.. fuck that..
  3. DWR

    where do you guys go shopping for seeds ? Please post all site you know :) +REP

    I've allready order over 12 Diffrent Strains.. still going strong... keep em coming guys :D post some strains.. Short Flowering.. MAssive yield.. Bag Appeal ! :D
  4. DWR

    Parents shouldn't teach children religion!!!

    thank god i dont live with my parents anymore... was the whole reason i went I wanted to do my own things... yay.
  5. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    Yup now she starts to explode.. the haze does.... :) Nah another 3 weeks MAX ! :) Gona harvest the AMS in 2 weeks...
  6. DWR

    Hey there BlueMystic... Sure can.... I will be making a video for youtube this evening. Blue...

    Hey there BlueMystic... Sure can.... I will be making a video for youtube this evening. Blue Mystic. I'll post the vid for you.
  7. DWR

    Lowryder2 journal - Germany

    Those Calaxys look real swollen m8, say your harvest was pretty decent huh :) cheers m8.. hope you get 30g's !
  8. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    day 50 Flowering - Grow #1 Day 2 Flowering - Grow#2 -
  9. DWR

    Oh my god...Weirdest video ever! (WATCH IF YOUR HIGH!)haha

    :) haha sounds like a good deal, except my m8s were back today and i was like AND DID YA SEND they said the locals said not to send as the post is very strictly checkd. so im gona have to wait for amsterdam, then i will do it in the day :D
  10. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    emm the colord seeds are for people that cant remember wich seeds is what + it has this coating that make the seed sprout better.. My Arse.. - haha... sounds like a good trip.. Vaporizer are pretty cool :) :leaf: what kind of strains did ya smoke ?
  11. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    heh yah...... im hoping that the small one will come thro ! i realy do.
  12. DWR

    Best Free Porn site on the web is....

    :sleep: so we all know its 1 inch now... and pencil width.. jk.... :weed:
  13. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    LMFAO !! Sorry i call the little root that pops out the seeds the tail... :leaf::leaf: bwahaha make myself laugh .. :D
  14. DWR

    Oh my god...Weirdest video ever! (WATCH IF YOUR HIGH!)haha = [youtube*]iVBIYDGty6c[/youtube] <<<--- REMOVE * to get this code... allways only copy the leters and nr's... its simple. iVBIYDGty6c
  15. DWR

    So whats up with this fdd2blk guy

    pmsl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    Fucking awsome cant wait to smoke the WR :D !!!! :leaf::leaf: ! 4 out of 5 Seeds survived, some reason the Great White Shark lost its tail... something is wrong with these colord seeds. ! anyways... hope she develops a tail again, the seed was still nearly whole !
  17. DWR

    B52 7 Weeks & White Widow 6 Weeks Strain - DWRS PERSONAL HERBAL MAKER !

    thnx man :) no...... not my pet.. i prefer bigger animals :) but there cool :) aslong as they dont eat plants... Yeah el nino is a white Strain... Massive producer would be the White Rhino aswell ... 900g's per Square meter..
  18. DWR

    Oh my god...Weirdest video ever! (WATCH IF YOUR HIGH!)haha

    Mmmmkay...... I've allways tripd at night... never in the day... Gona check my letterbox at 11 am... :leaf::leaf::leaf: Hope it arrives.. i'll be very happy ! :D
  19. DWR

    anyone know how to make...

    I think that i had some... made it with this : In the end i had these Amber Crystal Balls.... Lookd like : Jurrasic Park, the fossils in the amber stuff.... dunno if its that what your looking for ?