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  1. WWgrower

    Hydroponics VS Soil (plz read)

    I take my left over nute water and put it back in jugs. I use it for the house plants and in our outdoor garden. I mean for our veg. garden. The house plants love it as well as the garden. I use rockwool and I can't reuse it the stuff is so intertwined with the roots forget it. It is the only...
  2. WWgrower

    water cure pound and a half finished weight

    I water cure and dry cure at the same time and together. I usually take the first plant and water cure the whole thing. I usually grow 6 in a hydro drip system I built myself 3 years ago. I then take the air(cured in closet at 65 to 70 degrees for 1 1/2 weeks) and water cure and put it all in...
  3. WWgrower

    Weed and Airport security

    They check the mail just the same. the mail is often x-rayed and scanned for odors Post office personnel know what to look for. You may get away with it for a while but if they catch you, your ass is in a whole world of shit. Using mail for transporting contriband bring on a whole set of laws...
  4. WWgrower

    Hydrogen Peroxide???

    Tried it once on young plants and learned you should only add it to older plants. Many on here and elsewhere swear by the stuff for problem grows. I didn't see any benefit but my application was wrong.
  5. WWgrower

    FLIR in helicopters(outdoor)

    Man nobody had a problem till you came in here and jacked off!!!
  6. WWgrower

    If you are using tap water for your plants..

    Finally I am on the right side of the theory! I am glad we have a well water system and in the winter I melt snow for my grow. My starting PPM'S are so low it is better than RO and store bought Wally water!!!
  7. WWgrower

    AIR conditioner

    Oh one last thing you said you keep the door propped open. If you have a window in that room you could put it in the window and still get the benefit of the cooled air and humidity under control. That is how I keep my humidity under control this last summer. Two window rattlers running in the...
  8. WWgrower

    AIR conditioner

    Great idea, wish i had that kind of space to work with and wish I didn't have to worry about being stealthy. I put my fans and filters under my house. I have a double wide. No one can hear a thing. We have 2 kids that are now grown but come home for the holidays and special family events. I need...
  9. WWgrower

    How did I do bitches?

    Did you use FLoralicious during your Flower?
  10. WWgrower

    white widow woes

    Now this is something I will be watching. Thought about doing this myself this winter before holidays. Good luck, I'll be checking in here and there!
  11. WWgrower

    White Widow-10 Weeks Flower. Ready?
  12. WWgrower

    B&W wont stick to my wall.. suggestions?

    I would think the hot glue would melt the Panda film but not sure I have never tried it.
  13. WWgrower

    Light cycle switching okay?

    When light goes to 12/12 the plant realizes it's life is almost over. The driving force is to reproduce. That is it's only reason to be alive. When the days shorten it starts to build receptors to collect pollen thus the sticky hairs or trichs. I'm not sure hormones have that much to do with it...
  14. WWgrower

    24 to 18

    36 hrs is not a tried and true number. A large number of experiments have been done on here and always find no benefit from it. The same conclusion I have come to. Some really believe in it but most of the time it is not people who have tried both.
  15. WWgrower

    Weed and Airport security

    Don't know I hit the link and all I got was a rap to "Fuck Da POlice" I can't stand rap so only listened to 30 sec.
  16. WWgrower

    male or female??

    Fem. seeds come from hermie plants that self pollinate themselves. Thus the term but the big debate is do most these seeds also go hermie easier. I have always had good luck with them but I am real anal about how I begin and germinate them more than most on here. Last grow I had 100% germination...
  17. WWgrower

    New Yorks bill a4867

    I understand and agree with everything you said but don't agree with the beer companies and prison industrial complex. Beer companies have so much business they can't make it fast enough. Never heard of anyone being worried pot was going to close beer companies down. As far as prisons go they...
  18. WWgrower

    24 to 18

    Did mine 2 hours a day. Read somewhere on here anything over that will stress the plants. Good luck
  19. WWgrower

    B&W wont stick to my wall.. suggestions?

    I stapled mine have you tried double sided tape maybe of a heavy duty variety? Also I hang mine on one side of my grow room. Bought a light weight expansion rod and round clips at the dollar store. Just a thought. Good luck!
  20. WWgrower

    THE END OF H.I.Ds?? Sulphur plama technology

    It's probably what our kids will be growing with! I thought LED would be next but technology has leaped past them it looks like. Interesting to see what happens with these new lights!