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  1. D

    Earl goes Hempy looking for Mom

    Thanks-I was wondering about that in the hempy buckets-just finished building a hempy clone box-
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    WidowCindy Multiple 400W Soil

    I'm stoked about the mental floss:mrgreen:
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    Dr. Chronic seeds ?

    I ordered mine on a monday--the next day I had an email saying you have inbound tuesday my beans came fri--the post mark was 8-13-08 they hit my box on 8-16-08--super stealth-ultra fast-If I needed seeds again I would go with the doc or hempdepot.
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    Hydrofarm (pics)

    hey brother-i'm no expert but those pics looks like defficiancies not nute burn---...
  5. D

    the TH SEEDS thread

    good luck with keeping to that once those ladys hit week 6---your whole neiborhood is going to reak for blocks...:mrgreen:
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    the TH SEEDS thread

    If you like sweet tasty nugs you will love it--very-very sweet---it's a 10 on the sweet scale- the strength is good but not great--you will need a good air-cleaning system---i.e. scrubber/ozone/ona..Heavy,heavy smell of ultra sweet skunk and fruit-loops in flower---smells like candy:mrgreen:
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    Hairy Vs Shaved?

    ---Being a man doesn't have anything to do with liking a hairy pussy or a shaved one or a waxed one for that matter!!!----You might as well said "if you don't eat meat your not a man"--It's a prefference--you like it or don't---i'm sure there are all kinds of things you like and dislike. I know...
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    Is Michael Phelps G.O.A.T

    some would say it is the greatest athletic achievement in the world of sports ever and I would tend to agree but I just wish one of those medals didn't come from a team sport---He did ok in the relay but the anker was the reason they got the medal---I wish he could have got 8 medals from all...
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    PH RO water

    I would ph the R/O and ive never heard of that in 20 years.---what would be the reason???
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    the attitude and credit cards

    I got beans from hemp depot in 5 days and The doc came in 3 and I still don't have my beans from attitude but I don't give a shit now----the doc and brad from hempdepot took care of me...
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    the TH SEEDS thread

    Heavy duty fruity is a very heavy producing strain--those girls will pack on weight like crazy----very big yeilds and a ultra strong odor...
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    Dr Chronic, Trustworthy?

    That does suck but I just received my order from the DOC and it only took 3 days from the day of post---fucking incredible----I'm on the south coast and thought 5 to 7 days was fast-----the fucking DOC RULES. As far AS the seeds cracking that is really fucking weird--I would let the DOC know...
  13. D

    Dr. Chronic seeds ?

    Got my order from the doc yesterday----postmarked 8-13-08-----delivered 8-16-08------yep ----3 days:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:-----THANK YOU Dr.chronic---and I live on the south coast usa.
  14. D

    Strongest Strain Known To Man?

    I haven't tried the 707 headband but other headband pot was just ok for me-there are so many great stoney strains out there-it's hard to put a lable on the strongest one---seems to me when I come across something really strong I just want to take a nap unless it's mostly sativa. Most of the chem...
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    My Super Grow Room

    :mrgreen:Not to much longer and you will be harvesting the fruits of your labor
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    $ be VERY careful of the advice you give AND the advice you take $

    Hows the gardens coming-you back on track yet?
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    Train wreck

    anyone grown out the "PURPLE WRECK" from reserva prada DNA???--I guess it's a cross of true purple urkel and a t4 trainwreck male...
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    Seed prices?

    That straight sour d from bc is 80.00 or something.
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    CO2 set up

    Even a big tank will only last you three weeks in your size room regrets----The tanks just don't last that long when juicing rooms over the size of closets or cabinet grows and the cost will be about $1.00 /pound---propane will run you 1/3 the cost of canned juice and natural gas will even be a...
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    Reflective Mylar

    FOYLON Industrial Reflective Material Fabric foil reflective covering is designed for light and heat dispersion. Although it doesn't have the same percentage of reflectability as Mylar, it's a heck of a lot more durable, longer-lasting and cleanable. Available in 54" width, with lengths of...