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  1. growtosmoke

    What do you think of my CFL set up?? Rate it? Advice?

    so I added a few extra lights for side lighting, I have been having a problem with gnats I think, I seem to see little worm like bugs on the leaves very small and white, I see them on the sticky strips as well. I have put out sticky strips and vinegar. We'll see what happens.......I did by some...
  2. growtosmoke

    I got a sprout!!

    yup actully took a few of the little white "worms" to the local garden store to find out what the problem was, the lady said that she thougth they were gnat larve which is brought in by the soil.......idk.......but I bought some ortho insect soap...
  3. growtosmoke

    1st Grow cfls

    I think you just got to wait it out bro......
  4. growtosmoke

    First CFL Grow

    those new pics look really good keep up the good work
  5. growtosmoke

    Anyone ever use Ortho Ecosense brand insecticidal soap?

    I believe I have a gnat larve problem, or some kind of issue of that sense....little white worm like things and gnats flying in the air. the lady at the garden store said this would be best for my indoor "tomatos" she said spray it right on no problem. Just curious if anyone else has used this...
  6. growtosmoke

    1st Grow cfls

    Sweet Keep us posted :peace:
  7. growtosmoke

    Seed Never Cracked Over 2 weeks HELP

    That sucks man, I can't say I've ever experienced anything like that as I use bag seed. Doesn't make me want to buy any seeds offline from the seed banks.......Sry to hear of your bad luck!!
  8. growtosmoke

    I got a sprout!!

    I also used the MG but the bugs seemed to find a way in.....right now I am noticing a white worm like bug on the sticky strips that I'm using and noticing fruit flies and a hair like bug in the vinager and soap mixture that I have in there. I bought some sand tonight so I will put that on there...
  9. growtosmoke

    When is it "time" to switch to 12/12?

    I also have a couple hidden in the back that are very nice as well that I should prob top too. you say to wait 2 weeks to switch to 12/12 is this to allow the top to split out???
  10. growtosmoke

    First CFL Grow

    That might be a little to much water, I'm no expert, and I won't claim that by any means but I think you might want to slow down on that, I water every other day unless it's been really hot, I grow in a closet so the temp is pretty well controled as it is in a a/c room. Depending on the temp...
  11. growtosmoke

    RIU iPhone/itouch app?!

    well we all work in diff places with diff people in diff situations w/e man not trying to get you heated up...............*note to self don't touch this guys tool box.........
  12. growtosmoke

    1st Grow cfls

    looks good man looks like you got a good start! :peace:
  13. growtosmoke

    When is it "time" to switch to 12/12?

    So I have some plants that I've been doing a closet CFL grow with, I was just curious how you decide when it's time to switch to 12/12 I'm in no hurry but was just wondering how everyone makes this decision? Thanks :peace:
  14. growtosmoke

    Bugs! Do you use a spray? Anything from Wally World??

    Thanks carl great advice!
  15. growtosmoke

    Calling all CFL growers need help plz.

    I love CFL growing, I run 18 CFL bulbs of vairous wattage and my electric bill went up 30.00 per month, I also run 3 fans and a a/c, I am very happy with my cfl set up, feel free to check out my album there are some pics of the lighting set up.
  16. growtosmoke

    First CFL Grow

    The light def needs to be closer to the plants it seems as if the plant is a little stretched, also seemed a little droopy. How often do you water? Might just be a lack of light..........
  17. growtosmoke

    1st Grow cfls

    I 2nd getting rid of the tin foil it will absorb the light not reflect it...
  18. growtosmoke

    I got a sprout!!

    I don't really care man we're here to talk buds so all other things aside..........did you figure out the bug problem???
  19. growtosmoke

    I got a sprout!!

    yeah mmmmmmmk w/e I guess, if it makes your wheels spin..................anyhow.....
  20. growtosmoke

    1st CFL grow Updated pics, Whatta u got???

    comeon seriously no one has anything???? Someone must have some pics to compare................