whats up man..nice girl...i grew up in pomona by the way..i whould plant her right in that ditch. how wide is it? you can sneek in just befor sun rise to water and the ditch whould cover you during the day ..just dont go into the orange orchid
its a bit different with autos...just save the pollen from the male you have..wait tell
the flowers (balls) open and pick & put them into a pill bottle with the top open so
that it drys then u can put the top on or you mite get mold.. pick/save as much as u
can..in the meantime start...
LOL..you need a trukey baster , eyedrop bottle( small anuff to fit up your
dick hole..lol).. and a big bottle of a saline solution like the kind for
contacts. and a bit of tape.. then use your imagination:o:o:hump: