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  1. LiEBE420

    Grandad Purp

    growing mine outdoor and its thriving :peace:
  2. LiEBE420

    Grandad Purp

    strain grows amazing. i crossed it with master kush and i have a grow journal in my signature. check it out and tell me if your plants look like mine.
  3. LiEBE420

    PC or MAC: POLL

    mac all day
  4. LiEBE420

    if an under 1 ounce charge in massachusetts goes to court will cop show up?

    man that sucks. shouldn't even be a slap on the wrist.
  5. LiEBE420

    trippiest high?

    put a tiny salvia in it. its legal why not
  6. LiEBE420

    is there any point to topping running off low watts?

    yes. i would only top once to make 2 main colas though :peace:
  7. LiEBE420

    bong water? + or -?

    doubt it hahahahah funny idea though
  8. LiEBE420

    new grow!!

    patience young grasshopper :peace:
  9. LiEBE420

    baking for some rookie friends

    i would say use 7grams. whats your plan for making them?
  10. LiEBE420

    3 week old seedligs, do i trim those round leves

    i never trim unless topping or cutting off leaves that are dyeing.
  11. LiEBE420

    a little help please.... why am i still light headed/dizzy?

    sounds like a plan :) thanks man
  12. LiEBE420

    a little help please.... why am i still light headed/dizzy?

    weed causes no hangovers so its not that. could be because your taking dick too deep with no lube :peace:
  13. LiEBE420

    Doob's complete grow journal, got twins?

    what state you in?
  14. LiEBE420

    You think pot heads are the easiest prey for cops? think again...

    police have killed more people with tazers than weed has killed people:bigjoint:
  15. LiEBE420

    Can you bury large amounts of pot in the proper containers and if so how long?

    this is actually how human beings preserved bud way way way back in the day. this is how animals preserve food. today we use refrigerators to preserve food but back in the day it was the coldness under the ground.
  16. LiEBE420

    Bad Sprout! Still Alive?

    that shit reeks of death! you dont have any more seeds? los gangales hahaha i live about 45 minutes away.
  17. LiEBE420

    males vs females

    males tend to grow a little faster than females if all the mediums/conditions are the same. this is not a 100 percent guarantee but its proven true by me and my plants quite a few times. i usually white to see if i see the little white hairs (pistils) until i know if its a female though
  18. LiEBE420

    Stoked about growing

    its more of a fun hobby :peace:
  19. LiEBE420

    New Journal

    any new pics?
  20. LiEBE420

    chunks missing from my plants

    you are fine, no worries :)