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  1. timsatx1

    Brown hairs and shiny crystal

    nice pics. plants look good too.
  2. timsatx1

    Outdoor Topping Help

    you can definatley top them and should. as far as how many times , thats entirely up to you and how far you want to push your plants.
  3. timsatx1

    Help finding weed connections

    why do i continue to see threads like this?
  4. timsatx1

    hows this for defficient

    nice lookin buds . i wouldnt fix it.
  5. timsatx1

    Folgers Coffee Super Dank Soil Grow Cloned and Seeds

    what is up with pic2
  6. timsatx1

    The Life of a Marijuana Grower

    i work all day. mostly 12 hour days now. sometimes i dont see my plants for days. ive resorted to asking my wife to take pics of my plants so i can see thier progress or problems. im trying to find a way to balance work and my garden. but i have noticed that if you do it this way they seem to...
  7. timsatx1

    Kicking a Purple Widow back to veg from Flowering: Pics

    thats a strange looking plant bro. super tall.
  8. timsatx1

    Longhorn's Super Lemon Haze Grow!!

    looking good. subcribed
  9. timsatx1

    I want to harvest

    extreme heat kills thc.
  10. timsatx1

    I want to harvest

    ima have to say to cut it. if its got seeds its really not worth the effort.
  11. timsatx1

    Urgent help with $100,000 setup!

    ^^^ good thinkin.....
  12. timsatx1

    Urgent help with $100,000 setup!

    man they look dead to me.
  13. timsatx1

    how to grow pot total beginer..

    how about reading some first?
  14. timsatx1

    Help -pix-

    didnt you just post this last night?
  15. timsatx1

    First Grow Flowering-600w DWC

    very nice bro. lookin good
  16. timsatx1

    Should i cut now, or wait longer. Help plz

    i agree with previous post definatley a few weeks.looks tasty though
  17. timsatx1

    Does Keeping Plants In Veg Longer Produce Bigger Yield?

    yes its im not sure on potency but for sure on yeild.
  18. timsatx1

    Ok Plants Are In Pots and The Lights Are On....Let The Grow Begin

    nice. good lookin very clean room
  19. timsatx1

    Help me

    strange looking plant bro.