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  1. T

    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    FYI XO, that poor little plant has been through alot, its mainly just a test dummy right now for LSTing.
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    ha i agree, cause thats how it got stretched to begin with when my roommate tried to start his own grow prior to mine, so we just stuck it underneath the cfls and its showed alot of new growth at each node with two healthy shoots at like 4 nodes.. ill have pics up tomorrow when lights on, just...
  3. T

    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    uhmm pics from the first day after the start of the 12/12 light cycle.. the drooping of the leaves on Miss Easter are fine now.. idk what it was, i gave her some extra water and she loved me for it..
  4. T

    my leaves are cupping, how do i fix it????

    Ozone Generator, which one would you recommend if any? CFL's a total of 112 watts at the moment. tomorrow im adding 2 more 23/26 watt 2700k cfls.. its been a complete 24 on for the past week straight and tonight is actually they're first night in the dark.. started the 12/12 @ 8:05 pm cst.. my...
  5. T

    my leaves are cupping, how do i fix it????

    im having the same problem with one of my better looking plants.. the first set of leaves (not the colyasdgcdayts idk what they're called but its close to that) have been practically falling down. the plant looks all around healthy still a deep green and its not even a week old yet
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    n00b's first grow - CFL Personal Grow

    yeah light it up on that wilting one dude..
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    and FYI, thats what we thought too Benzo, but apparently we were wrong cause we sat there and watched him get cuffed outside his front door.. poor guy, and honestly dude why the fuck would i lie on this already fucked up ass thread? seriously? im growing what 3 plants?
  8. T

    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    alrighty, pics from today.. the first two seedlings were put in there last thursday and the only germ'd seed that made it popped up on sunday morning.. so I have named her Easter.. she is marked in the grow as the one with the tape on the cup. and thats where i have a question about Easter...
  9. T

    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    appreciate the love dragon.. haha and i wished she was like that, she knows i smoke but she doesnt really say anything about it though.. like i said, i took it out of there and moved into my buddies apt with him.. i should have pics up here in a little bit.. and im planning on making Sun is...
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    well the police came to the apt this evening.. wrong apt number they were doing warrant round ups and the guy they needed was down stairs beneath us... had us a little freaked out
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    well for the record.. i'm moving into my buddies spare room at his apartment so yeah, i wont be on the lease til thursday.. alright would a simple carbon filter attached to the exhaust be suffice? and why are alot of yall doubting me? thats just f'd up imo.. anyways, ill be adding two more...
  12. T

    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    alright so heres an update.. said i'd get pics up so here it goes from the past couple days.. The First 2 are after the move to my buddies apt. Day 2 Next 4 are from Day 4 And the last 6 are from day 6.. How yall think they're doing?
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    alreighty.. got some good stuff happenin.. pics yes no? idk lets hope so. got some newe growth
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    lol nah its his apt. and he's secluded. doesn't have a downstairs neighbor nor across the way so we're good.
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    i kept it inside.. its at my buddy's apt. right now
  16. T

    n00b's first grow - CFL Personal Grow

    I agree with TheBox
  17. T

    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    I understand dude.. just got back home Update.. The move was fine.. just within the past couple of hours there has been growth and on the bigger one new growth is appearing. Said i'd get pics up so i will.
  18. T

    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    thanks Dj. i installed the 6"pc fan for intake.. its dropped the temps back down.. stays stable around 86 degrees F. night time the temps are fine.. and i've decided to move the grow out of the crib but keep the journal going. Unfortantely i went with the comments of the others that i claimed to...
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    oh im def. legal enough and apparently slightly more educated than the folk who have come on to my thread and showing their acts of hatred, whats the basis of this? I understand criticism but shit. Like i said its pathetic. You must have something better to do with your time i hope.. :]
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    Turned My Little Bro's Room into a Stealth 1st Legit Grow *CFL's

    why do yall have to insist on hating so damn much? isn't this a community for marijuana smokers/growers/infatuaters to come together as one and share ideas and experiences with one another, not bash them down. I find it pathetic that the ones that claim to be the "Adults" are the first to react...