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  1. lehua96734

    Where Can i buy Bloom nutrients

    try a garden shop or Home Depot, Lowes. Ace if your near one. good luck.
  2. lehua96734

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    the mid-night trimmers :leaf:showed up last night. yea, the Dr. and kkday. ;-)small kind trimming party. too much fun those two have:lol:. you guys nuts ro!!!oh, forgot your working again:sad:. how's Waikiki, you player? smile ;-);-)at the wahines and they will come running, LOL!! love you guys...
  3. lehua96734

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    hey, babe, how'z it? just cruzing RIU, checking things out. mahalo for the visit the other day, thnx for the pinch. my neice and her OM showed up that night. mahalo!!!
  4. lehua96734

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    FLORIDA COURT SETS ATHEIST HOLY DAY > In Florida, an atheist created a case against the upcoming Easter and Passover Holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists...
  5. lehua96734

    Hawaii Growers

    aloha brudda and welcome to the thread. Dr. your right, haven't seen "maligs" and the other maui growers on either. kk, don't those pictures of punas look like that crap i had,A&B? shit, glad i got rid.:dunce:
  6. lehua96734

    branch problm.

    hang a weight from a string on it to bring the branch down and open the plant up for more light. not to heavy at first, don't want to break anything. good luck.
  7. lehua96734

    can a plant be budded more than once?

    it is called regenerating. doing it right now to a Brain Damage. one more week and she goes to 12/12. been under 18/6 for 4 weeks and good growth so far. good luck, give it a try.
  8. lehua96734

    my first og kush grow

    try hanging those sticky fly strips. they seem to be helping me. i also have a OG kush from seed i foung in a bag. it showed female already so i put her back under 18/6. clones. good luck.
  9. lehua96734

    Hawaii Growers

    aloha all, aunty here. CV and budy, as well as an herbman, our prayers and good thoughts go out to you and to all that are being persercuterd, the clock is ticking, the finish line is insight. tonight, blessing to all that will step up into the light and show your support for ASA and the new...
  10. lehua96734

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    hey babe, this one is for you. ro is here and we burning and thought we would send you a song. aloha aunty Aac1uIdmcw8 worng journel,sorry.
  11. lehua96734

    Hawaii Growers

    aloha all, aunty here. been checking out the thread everyday, too bummed to post. this waiting for the buds to form is getting me down. also the spiter mites and all my bugs. shit, got plants dying on me, can't find anything wrong. one branch at a time, before you know it, the whole thing is...
  12. lehua96734

    aloha, saw a thread that you had joined and thought, hey"aloha"? thought i would give you a...

    aloha, saw a thread that you had joined and thought, hey"aloha"? thought i would give you a shout out, from o'ahu to you, aloha. aunty
  13. lehua96734

    Hawaii Growers

    checked out the bruddas today, aloha to them. nice little shop, still waiting for some stuff to come in, but had what i wanted. give the dudes a look at, really nice dudes, plenty aloha. you know me, gotta have the Hugs. i think i scared them a little, no hand shake for aunty, hugs all around...
  14. lehua96734

    Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License. (Long read)

    this is the shits!! my mom was a red head, blue eyed french, english, irish, and half American Indian from Texas. came to Hawai'i and married my dad who was half Portuguese and half Hawai'ian. my brother married a Japanese girl, my sister a Hawai'ian, German, English, Chinese, Portuguese man...
  15. lehua96734

    Worst drug ever

    "ice" by far the worst, at least here in Hawai'i it is. every family has had one or more "cronic" in their familys. have a niece, her x husband, a nephew or two also and countless friends. sad.
  16. lehua96734

    Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

    aloha ro, pehea 'oe?
  17. lehua96734

    Cloning with a bowl of water, aluminum foil and an airstone.

    someone else did a thread about the same thing except he used an old cooking pot, keeps it cooler he said. so i tryed it. after 2 weeks i had so many roots under there it was hard to get them separated. and he didn't use a heating pad under the pot. works great.
  18. lehua96734

    Question about mother plant outgrowing its pot.

    take a bunch of clones. when sure they have taken, trim your roots down, unless your going to put her into flower and start another mother with the clones. me, i would trim her roots and use B-1 or super thrive for shock. good luck.
  19. lehua96734

    Is it ok to touch the buds in flowering???

    if it turns yu'all on, all this rubbing and squeezing----my,my,my!!:lol::lol::lol::leaf:
  20. lehua96734


    great job! i left about a third , bottem half, on and after about 18days, she also is ready to take clones. did you leave any leaf on? looks good anyway.