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  1. odbsmydog

    Alaska Fish Fertilizer

    that video was kinda pointless. yes that stuff works great. their bloom products are chemical but that one is organic!
  2. odbsmydog

    Growing big bushes, should I prune in veg?

    That's good info and +rep!
  3. odbsmydog

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    That's awesome man, I'm glad you posted that. it's cool to see the difference a few months make!
  4. odbsmydog

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    Nah, nobody can see it. I think it was just a shitty coincidence. ruined my evening though, haha. she's not really a hippie, just likes smoking every now and then. used to smoke every day. she doesnt smoke much now though. It's all good now, just can't wait till harvest. bongsmilie
  5. odbsmydog

    out of control TRAINWRECK! please help! w/pics

    Looking great man! I love that fence that keeps people from reaching over and grabbing a bud or two. smart thinking!
  6. odbsmydog

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    Yeah, I have no reason to be worried. I have my script and so does my mom and another person who stays here, so we are covered. I just HATE talking to cops because they always take me to jail. ALWAYS. I think it's my dreadlocks they don't like. But yes, I was definitely freaking out. hiding in...
  7. odbsmydog

    best soil at home depot

    anything by kellog is pretty good. I mix their compost, ammend, and patio plus soil into my clay dirt with a roto-tiller and it works awesome. add in some manure's and guano's and a little bone meal and it's a great start to the season's nutrients!
  8. odbsmydog

    hows my plant doing?lol

    that is a healthy looking plant! I bet you hardly have to water too because it is so close to that fish pond. maybe it gets some nutrients from the pond?
  9. odbsmydog

    couple questions...opinions and suggestions please...

    if you cant cover them outside with something maybe put dig them up and bring them inside at night and put them outside in the day if it's dry enough and use the flouro's as a backup? it still wont yield as fat as finishing outdoors but at least you wont have premie weed!
  10. odbsmydog

    My Outdoor Garden-2010

    Looking Great Veggie! happy growing!
  11. odbsmydog

    One sad site....

    That's fucking horrible man. I'm sorry. what state are you in by the way?
  12. odbsmydog

    Countryfarmer's outdoor grow

    So I have been using BT with my normal tap water, does that mean it hasn't been working? it seems like it should say on the product that you need de-chlorinated water. that's pretty lame if it hasn't been working this whole time...
  13. odbsmydog

    Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here

    haha, I noticed that too. and she's only got like 300 posts but has a shit ton of good rep already. I like how guys give out the good rep to girls way easier. Is it that far fetched to think that women are great growers too? I don't think so. I think a lot of guys on this message board are just...
  14. odbsmydog

    Can I use this seaweed to water my plants ?

    It might have a lot of salt from the salt water but if you rinse it real good it should work. I dunno if you will notice any difference though because it will take so long to break down..
  15. odbsmydog

    Updated Pics of my little girls

    I would give it at least a week into october to get the full swelling. I can understand your nervousness though, that one plant is a monster!
  16. odbsmydog

    Rich's Girl

    You have about a month left.
  17. odbsmydog

    Prune? or not?

    WHAT HE SAID! I can't believe how many people out there are trying to cut off their fan leaves thinking it's gonna help. havent they noticed anyone with pics on this site that cuts their fan leaves have waaay smaller plants than those that let them rock naturally. look at FDD2BLK's grow journal...
  18. odbsmydog

    Growing big bushes, should I prune in veg?

    No, that is completely untrue. you don't want to trim any of leaves, they are what makes the plant grow. if anything your stalks will be much weaker after you trim a bunch of fan leaves. If you are asking this question yourself why would you answer this guys question like you know what you are...
  19. odbsmydog

    Would you trim fan leaves in the vegging stage

    the plant makes leaves for a reason. to photosynthesize. without the fan leaves you will have a very small/weak plant.
  20. odbsmydog

    White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!

    If you look at the first post in this thread it explains them. it's at the bottom. I got the idea from FDD2BLK's grow journal. basically just plastic rings that help keep the nutrient water i feed from spreading out too far, so it can soak into the rootball.