Updated Pics of my little girls

Ok here are some updated pics of my Garage garden, Dam storm last night kick some ass in the yard so Damage control later after they dry off..

The bigest girl there is a White Widow and the rest of the family is White Ryno
Yes both of the Blues were males..

What do you think, 1 week 2 weeks etc for a finish time?



I know. I havent had a good sleep in over a month... They were not suppossed to get this big, LMAO. You guys think I can cut before the end of the month????


Active Member
umm looking at the second picture i can guess around 3 to 4 weeks but it depends on your weather and light and amount of rain. you should be good in around a month bro


Well-Known Member
I would give it at least a week into october to get the full swelling. I can understand your nervousness though, that one plant is a monster!
sounds good guys, I was think the end of sept, but I guess the first week or 2 of oct will only make them better, the tris are just starting to turn now....

Ok everyone, Here is the updates, I had to cut early Oct 1 2010 due to wet cold nights, Darn bud mold was starting...

I took some pics of the tris upclose, Stuff is beyond sticky and Packs a hit. Not something you want to smoke and go to work with.... NOT going to work.

The big girl that was the last to pic was not a white widow.... I have no idea what she is. She has a smell and taste of lemon but the sticky of white rhino...
anyone have some thoughts?

Anyway here are some pics.

I will be posting my indoor hydro grow soon... Gardening is my passion and relaxation for a atempt at a Dont worry by HAPPY life:-P



Well-Known Member
HOLY $hittt!! that thing is a freaking treee!!! hahahaa that is a lot of weed. congrats on a very sucsessful grow man.