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  1. DR growgood

    400 W Hps light problem please help asap

    how old is the bulb it may need to be changed they only last like 2-3 plant cycles if thats not it then its the ballest.
  2. DR growgood

    good hiding places.

    in a safe they cant go in a safe my freind is a police officer nypd and he says they cant go in it. its like having a security doposit box at the bank same rulz applie by the way my friend use to be the biggest stoner to how he became a cop is beyond me.make sure u bolt the safe to the floor too...
  3. DR growgood

    week 6 flower pics

    week 6 flower pics how they look do yo think they'll fatten up there in week 6 now strain is alaskin thunder fuck (indica) under 400 watt hps.
  4. DR growgood

    week 4 flower pics

    well there under a 400 watt hps
  5. DR growgood

    week 4 flower pics

    see how the tips of the leafs are brown or burnt what causes this
  6. DR growgood

    week 4 flower pics

    more pics
  7. DR growgood

    week 4 flower pics

    4 weeks into flowering the strain is alaskin thunder fuck its mostly indica cant wait till there ready im in week 6 now ill post more pics soon
  8. DR growgood

    i think i have seeds in my plants

    how do u know if u have seeds please post a pic or some thing im freaking out
  9. DR growgood

    seeds or resine saks HELP!!!!!!

    i cant tell if i have seeds or resine saks please some one help give me picks or some thing.
  10. DR growgood

    white hairs turning reddy-brown

    white hairs starting to turn brown what does this mean is it almost harvast time its about day 45 in flower and they look so good and crystaly.
  11. DR growgood

    my baby 10 days in 12 12

    looks good in another 10 u should have nice flowers
  12. DR growgood

    how many times can i topp my plant

    how many times can i topp my plant i already did when it was 6-8 inches and now ist about 12-14 inches withe 6 heads.
  13. DR growgood

    how do u drop ph

    how do i drop the ph in my water or rise if i need to thanks
  14. DR growgood


    first off this is my first grow im at day 41 in flower i was hoping some of u pros could tell me whats the best way to harvast i know u have to hang it upside down for seven days but not sure what to do after that. can u smoke it right after u hang it or do u gotta let it cure.i heard rolling it...
  15. DR growgood

    4ft flouroes

    my plants need more light and i was woundering if i could add some 4ft floroes to my 400 watt hps and would it make any diffrence and if yes what kind of bulb should i use.
  16. DR growgood

    when should i start molases

    i wanted to know when to start molases and if any one knows if it really works. thanks
  17. DR growgood

    Cooling plants down

    well the two hottest things in the roon are always the light bulbs and the ballests i aways hang a fan right in front of both of them and then have an exaust vent as well but i two eventially had to go to an a/c it serves two purposses u can keep ur grow room at 78 degrees and keep the humidity...
  18. DR growgood

    help with heat stress

    i want to know what is going on with my plants the very tip of the leafs are brown and curling but just a little is it from heat stress my temp is about 80 and my humidty is high what should i adjust to help the problem i am starting week 5 in flowering thats guys
  19. DR growgood

    Conversion Bulbs???

    yes mh bulbs are good for ur veg groth THEY WORK make sure if u have an hps light that the mh bulb u are buying is a conversion bulb though
  20. DR growgood

    Screw the guests read now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i hear ya your right nothin else pisses me off