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  1. t@intshredder

    Fail Blog Thread...

  2. t@intshredder

    Fail Blog Thread...

  3. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Yes ...let's all read it again: What does your "roots run[ning] deep" have to do with support for Obama? I like to think that I: 1. support Obama; 2. have a grip; 3. have proudly served my country. Have you server your country?????
  4. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Really, though - they make it easy ...and increasingly easier as the ranting becomes more absurd. :lol:
  5. t@intshredder

    Where are the gun enthusiasts?(please no anti gun hippies)PICS inside

    Oooooohhh ...pretty guns *drooool*. I would have a "blast" with those. :| Sorry for the terrible pun. Thanks for sharing the pics! :peace:
  6. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Not sure what history you are referring to here. Only a very small percentage of people believe that the New Deal programs and policies prolonged the Depression. Even most conservative economists no this to be untrue. Actually, the percentage of people that believe this is likely to fall in line...
  7. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

  8. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    I couldn't disagree with that statement more. Should we learn nothing from our countries last depression? Hoover sat around and did absolutely nothing and it only fueled the economic downturn. I'm more into learning from historical mistakes. I guess that makes me a dumb liberal. :roll: Who's...
  9. t@intshredder

    The Communist Manifesto

    Were you thinking that when you and your boy decided to rob your dealer? You are morally broke, bro. :peace:
  10. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    I served my country in the gulf war. Was I not supposed to vote for Obama? Not sure what the 2 have to do with each other. :?
  11. t@intshredder

    Blunt questions

    When I read the title to this thread, I thought that it would be full of direct and "to the point" questions. :lol:
  12. t@intshredder

    Weedman.... with no weed?!?!

    What choo growing, purplebud? :peace:
  13. t@intshredder

    Recommended reading - now what.

    No sweat, bro! I wish I could offer you some help regarding books. I've honestly never read a book on the topic of growing. The interwebs is the only resource I've utilized on my quest to grow the perfect nuggz. Good luck on your quest! ;)
  14. t@intshredder

    Why I hate WalMart

    I don't waste my time with Walmart. I have 2 local hardware stores and a hydro store that have everything I need. I'm more into supporting the mom n' pop shops; especially in this terrible economy. :peace:
  15. t@intshredder

    Why I hate WalMart

    Because one likes a thief. :peace:
  16. t@intshredder

    Somethings just arn't made to be understood.

    God is nothing more than a neurological disorder. I agree with the fact that if humans are capable of time travel, in the future, then why don't we have visitors from the future? Maybe we do, they're just undercover. :cool:
  17. t@intshredder

    Recommended reading - now what.

    Right here: ;)
  18. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    I anxiously await my dystopian future as predicted by the right wing for generations. Sounds like a hoot! I will, also, raise my glass of Orwellian Victory gin to you, CJ ...congrats on your 8,000th post! :clap:
  19. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    You're right. It's such an amazingly complex issue. I can't even begin to wrap my tiny brain around this. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  20. t@intshredder

    Who's Sick Of Obama Yet?

    Riiiiigggghhhhtttt ... :roll: