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  1. demonic1

    What does it mean when plants grow only one fingered leaves?

    LMAO! Don't you hate when your plants give you the single leaf salute instead of big buds.
  2. demonic1

    What does it mean when plants grow only one fingered leaves?

    You get single fan leaves when you take clones from a flowering plant. They should of grown out of that and newer growth will be like 3 fan leaves, then 5, then 7 etc... You can also get large single leaf growth from over fertilizing your plants with too much Nitrogen. Since "your friends"...
  3. demonic1

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    They turn yellow because the plant is using up its stored energy, which is in largest fan leaves first. I am sure if you water it properly, the plant will grow healthy. I highly doubt that the nute solution you are using is the cause of the problem. It does look like a lack of N however until...
  4. demonic1

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    How are we going to kill his plant? Your solution is to just give it more N when he obviously is under watering his plants. If he is only giving it a gallon of nute solution of water to six 5-gallon pots, it is obvious that the bottom parts of his pots are not getting any nutes or water. Your...
  5. demonic1

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    Don't try to guess how much water/nute solution to use. A gallon was my guess of how much water to give it. It would also depend on your soil. If its got lots of perlite or vermiculite, then it will take more. Just watch your pots and water till you see a bit come out the bottom. This will give...
  6. demonic1

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    Well I would imagine its already dry except for the top inch or two of soil if you've been splitting a gallon of water between 6 pots. I would go soak it down now with a 1/2 strength nute solution and then let it dry out. I would imagine the lower roots are not getting any moisture at all. So it...
  7. demonic1

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    Your complete watering procedure is a problem the way I see it. If you are splitting a gallon of water between 6 plants, the roots are not even getting wet. You have your plants in 5-gallon buckets. With that little water, your roots are not even getting wet when you water. Like I said, soak the...
  8. demonic1

    6 weeks, yellowing leaves, PLEASE HELP!!! PICS

    I would bet it is a N deficency and way overwatering. If you got those tiny plants in 5 gallon buckets, you should not have to water for 1-2 weeks. Not 1 - 3 times a week. That is way too much. Let the roots get some air once in a while instead of constantly soaking them. Your yellow leaves...
  9. demonic1

    good bud

    Maybe it is your title. Not very discriptive of the subject. I live in BC and would forwarding seeds if its no big deal. BC bud is still the best!
  10. demonic1

    Need Help Sexing

    Remove it and collect the pollen. Pollinate some lower branches on a couple of your girls and you'll have plenty of seeds for future grows.
  11. demonic1

    How much growth during flush?

    The last weeks of flowering the buds do not grow much at all but they firm or harden up. As for when to start flushing, I only flush the last week and have had no problems. The curing is the important thing and I have read that flushing really is not important at all and you are losing nutrients...
  12. demonic1

    When to harvest male White Widow for pollen

    Glad you got it pollinated. The seeds may start dropping anytime now if you pollinated it early, otherwise just hang that bud with the rest of them to dry and you should have a pile of nice beans.
  13. demonic1

    When to harvest male White Widow for pollen

    You might be too late. If you only have 2-3 weeks to go, that is not enough time for the seeds to fully develop. You might get seeds but they will just be duds. If your first pollination worked, the hairs on the flower should have turned brown and seed sacks should have developed. They can...
  14. demonic1

    When to harvest male White Widow for pollen

    just pull the male and let it rippen more outside or under a different light in another part of the house. It doesn't need much light after the bananas start showing. Put a plastic bag over it and seal it around the bottom of the stalk. Cut small holes in the corners of the bag for air. The...
  15. demonic1

    Question on Proper Flushing for my plant

    Yes, you can add the nutes right away after flushing if it needs it. But like Mr. Thumb says, watch your plants for indications of what it needs. If its a mg problem then water with a tsp of epson salt and your reg nute formula. I don't use the foxfarm line up so I have no idea what the proper...
  16. demonic1

    Ever seen this? pics

    You get that when you re-veg a plant. Single leaves and weird growth. Many times when you take a clone off a flowering plant, you will get the same thing. The nice thing is it will grow bushy too. It just takes a while for it to grow out of that and you will start getting normal leaf growth...
  17. demonic1

    Starting seeds indoors then outdoors?

    Depending on the wattage of your lights but you could have them about one inch from the top. If you notice any burning on the leaves, move it up and if it looks like its starting to stretch, move it closer. I like to leave the lights on 24 hours soon as I transplant till they get there 1st or...
  18. demonic1

    How large would White Rhino get in 4 - 4.5 months from seed to flower?

    I do not like nubies asking, "How much will I get" then expect everyone to jump to answer there question. What you are asking for is a fortuneteller. You provided no details on your growing experience, pot size, fertilizer, growing conditions, even your geographical location will affect yield...
  19. demonic1

    How large would White Rhino get in 4 - 4.5 months from seed to flower?

    If your asking how "big" your plant will get then I suspect you don't have any growing experience so I would say, it will be dead in the 4th week from ph burn. Happy? Now ask us to guess the next lotto numbers.